Document Type : Research Article


Department of Irrigation Engineering, Agriculture and Natural Resources (Karaj), University of Tehran


One of the ways to increase economic and environmental efficiency of drainage systems is water table management. Water table management consists of, controlled drainage and subirrigation. This study examines the effect of controlled drainage on yield, root distribution pattern and water use efficiency of maize (SC 704) in Karaj. The experiment was performed as a randomized complete design with three replicates including three treatments: free drainage (FD) and controlled drainage with 40 cm (CD40) and 60 cm (CD60) controlled water tables. Lysimetric station is equipped with drainage system and water table control system. Irrigation intervals in all of the lysimeters were based on MAD = 0.65 in FD treatment. For all treatments, irrigation depths were determined based on deficiency of soil moisture from field capacity with 70 percent application efficiency. The results showed that 30 percent irrigation losses during implementation of treatments in CD treatments did not cause rise of the water table to the desired control levels, due to extra consumption of plant. So between two water table control treatments there was no significant difference. In free drainage treatment which drainage water discharge was facilitated lower plant consumption were noted. Effect of water table management on yield, irrigation amount, root dry weight and water use efficiency was significant (p