Document Type : Research Article


Shahrekord University


Recently, wastewater is one of the water resources for irrigation due to the scarcity of water resources. In this regard, using adsorbents such as zeolites is recommended to improve the characteristics of the wastewater. Although the results show that natural zeolite decrease amount of pollutions but at the same time decreases the permeability of the soil, which could adversely affect the soil. This study was done in 2012 at the Shahrekord University, 27 PVC columns were used to study the effect of modified zeolite particles on permeability and quality of the wastewater. The experiment consisted of two factors the type of the microzeolite (natural zeolite, modified zeolite) and application procedure of the micro zeolite (mixed, layer) with three replications and in total had 7 treated. Injection of wastewater into the soil was through waterlogging and repeated fifteen times with a weekly frequency. Volume of wastewater used in each injection is equal "nv". In frequency injections of 1,3,5,7,11,15 infiltration was measured using Falling Heads. The results showed that treatment of modified zeolite included mixed, middle layer and layer on the surface had the highest infiltration rate respectively and treatment with natural zeolite included mixed, middle layer, layer on the surface had lowest infiltration rate. Further modified treatments decreased Ca effluent rate 111% with respect to natural Zeolite and therefore caused modified treatments to decrease SAR amount 45% with respect to control treatments and 132% with respect to natural zeolite.


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