Document Type : Research Article


1 Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

2 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Golestan University


Characteristics of precipitation and the regionalization major role in the efficient use of water resources and soil and management of environmental hazards. Regionalization of rainfall can help to better use of water resources and to correct manage of environmental hazards. According to the analysis of climate phenomena such as precipitation, all data should be related to a homogeneous region, on the basis in this study, homogenous regions using data from long-term annual precipitation in Golestan province and the appropriate number of stations determined using the newer methods. Precipitation monthly data from 29 rain-gauge stations and evaporation poll in Golestan province from 1361 to 1391 were used to testing of homogeneity, the random and outlier data that 25 stations remained. Then using Wards hierarchicalclustering and with different variables was evaluated segmentation varies. Clustering in two clusters have higher average silhouette 0.48, accordingly, the province was divided into two regions. Homogeneity investigated by heterogeneity test for each region. according to investigations was performed by L- moments coefficient of skewness (τ_3^R) was smaller 0.23, The result Hosking and Wallis test was used to examine the homogeneity region. For this two region, the test statistic H11>, which is confirmed by the homogeneity of the two areas, Finally was divided into two regions. The high correlation coefficient between stations in each cluster and low correlation coefficient between two different cluster is another reason for separation of areas from each other.Characteristics of precipitation and the regionalization major role in the efficient use of water resources and soil and management of environmental hazards. Regionalization of rainfall can help to better use of water resources and to correct manage of environmental hazards. According to the analysis of climate phenomena such as precipitation, all data should be related to a homogeneous region, on the basis in this study, homogenous regions using data from long-term annual precipitation in Golestan province and the appropriate number of stations determined using the newer methods. Precipitation monthly data from 29 rain-gauge stations and evaporation poll in Golestan province from 1361 to 1391 were used to testing of homogeneity, the random and outlier data that 25 stations remained. Then using Wards hierarchicalclustering and with different variables was evaluated segmentation varies. Clustering in two clusters have higher average silhouette 0.48, accordingly, the province was divided into two regions. Homogeneity investigated by heterogeneity test for each region. according to investigations was performed by L- moments coefficient of skewness (τ_3^R) was smaller 0.23, The result Hosking and Wallis test was used to examine the homogeneity region. For this two region, the test statistic H11>, which is confirmed by the homogeneity of the two areas, Finally was divided into two regions. The high correlation coefficient between stations in each cluster and low correlation coefficient between two different cluster is another reason for separation of areas from each other.


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