Document Type : Research Article


1 Tea Research Center, Lahijan

2 Rice Research Institute of Iran, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Rasht, Iran.


Shortage and improper distribution of rainfall in tea growing period are important growth limiting factors in tea fields in Northern part of Iran. If there is not any other limited factors, supplemental irrigation by sprinkler can increase tea yield. This study was carried out in order to investigate the optimum sprinkler irrigation interval on yield and water use efficiency of tea. The experiment was conducted on a CRBD with three replications during tea planting period of 2002-04 in Fouman tea research station. The irrigation treatments were 4, 8, 12 and 16 day irrigation intervals along with rainfed treatment as control. Results showed that control and 4 day interval treatment with 1483 and 3443 kg/ha had the lowest and highest yield respectively, and 8, 12 and 16 day irrigation intervals were in next grade, respectively. In term of water use efficiency, control and 4 day treatment in dry period with 0.34 & 0.67 kg (made tea)/m3 of used water had the maximum and the minimum water use efficiency. Irrigation water use efficiency in growing period for 4, 8 ,12 and 16 day treatments were 0.66, 0.55, 0.48 and 0.36 kg/m3, respectively. Since very short period of dry season in the last year of the experience(2004), no significant difference was observed in yield.

Keywords: Tea, Sprinkler irrigation, Irrigation interval, Water use efficiency