Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Irrigation and Reclamation, College of Engineering and Agricultural Technology, University of Tehran

2 Geophysics Institute of Tehran University

3 Department of Geography, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tabriz University


Land surface hydrological models has importance in the determination of soil moisture and temperature, the rate of evapotranspiration, stream flow by emphasis on the land surface physical and dynamic process descriptions. In this research, VIC land surface hydrological model has been used for the land surface temperature and stream flow determination. The VIC runoff simulation in each cell is based on both the infiltration excess and saturation runoff. Also for within-grid and between-grids routing, VIC model was coupled to the routing model. For running VIC model, Sefidroad River basin based on DEM of basin was divided in to 18 cells with 57 km resolution. The comparison of observed and simulated stream flow in the outlet of basin hydrometery station, indicated that Nash coefficient increased by using the inverse distance method that is corrected to the height for using interpolation of meteorological variables in each cell. The land surface temperature estimation in the energy mode of VIC model has accurate results than the water mode. The VIC model in the runoff simulation is more sensitive to the infiltration shape parameter. The infiltration shape parameter is effective in the surface and subsurface runoff simulation but the high influence of this parameter is related to the surface runoff. Ws and Ds play an important role in the subsurface runoff simulation. Comparison between observed and simulated stream flow using calibrated parameters in some of hydrometery stations indicated the ability of model in stream flow simulation.

Keywords: Land surface hydrological model, VIC model, Sefidroad River basin, Infiltration shape parameter