Document Type : Research Article


1 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Department of Statistics,, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Drought is a natural creeping event that starts due to lower moisture compared to normal condition. This phenomenon impacts all aspects of human activities. However there is neither any detailed definition nor a general and proper index for drought monitoring In the present study using the Drought indices SPI and RDI to monitor drought in 10 synoptic stations in the province were studied over a period of 24 years(1991-2010). After using panel data analysis of annual and seasonal drought tried to detecte effective the parameters above were measured using two indicators. Based on the results of monitoring Drought was found a severe drought that the 2008 in the province. Also, analyse of Panel data was show all six parameters mean of maximume tempretuer, mean of minimum tempreture, sun shine, precipitation, relative humidity and mean wind speed in 2 meters that to calculate the drought index RDI, not required to calculate Drought in time scale of annual and seasonal in 10 stations; due time scale, only of some these parameters are required. Based on SPI, precipitation is necessary for time scale annual and seasonal droghut.


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