Document Type : Research Article



Economical profit is one of the important factors, persuading farmers to plant a specific crop. So, in addition to qualitative and quantitative land suitability evaluation, economical one can be carried out as well, based on net or gross profit per surface area unit. The present research was done to evaluate land suitability, economically, by different methods for maize around Shahrekord city. In this regards, economical land suitability evaluation was carried out, using "internal rate of return", "gross profit", "net present value" and "benefit/cost ratio" methods. These methods are included in the ALES program. For model making in this program, a data base, including soil units, land characteristics, maize growth requirements, yield, discount rate, constant and variable costs and return of one weight unit of maize was established and then economical land suitability classes were determined. The results showed that as the "net present value" method is used, most of the land units are classified as S2. As the other three methods are used, all of the land units are classified as S1. Economical suitability class, determined based on "gross profit" method, without using ALES program, in 40% of the land units is S2 and in 60% of them is S1. The results of the economical land suitability classification, based on "net present value" method, using ALES program, is more in agreement with the results of qualitative land suitability classification of the study area that in a previous research, was done based on just physical land characteristics.
