
نوع مقاله : مقالات پژوهشی


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این مطالعه به منظور بررسی تأثیر جهت های متفاوت شیب بر پیدایش و ویژگی های خاک، در خاک های جنگلی منطقه رستم آباد شمالی در استان گیلان انجام شده است. پنج خاکرخ در دامنة جنوبی تپه با پوشش جنگلی انجیلی- بلوط و پنج خاکرخ در دامنة شمالی تپه با همان پوشش جنگلی با شیب برابر 40 درصد و مواد مادری مشابه آندزیت بازالتی حفر شد. نتایج حاصل از آزمون های تجزیه واریانس چند متغیره (MANOVA) و T2 هتلینگ اختلاف کلی خصوصیات خاک را بین دو جهت شیب متفاوت نشان داد. نتایج آزمون t نشان داد مقدار pH، شن، نسبت شن به رس و فسفر قابل دسترس در شیب جنوبی بیشتر از شیب شمالی بوده است. مقدار رس و ظرفیت تبادل کاتیونی در شیب شمالی به‌طور معنی داری بیشتر از شیب جنوبی می باشد. مطالعات میکرومورفولوژیکی نشان داد که فعالیت بیولوژیکی قوی تر در شیب شمالی نسبت به شیب جنوبی وجود دارد. بیشتر بودن تجمع رس درون حفرات، قطعات پوشش رسی (پاپیول)، حفرات چمبر، نودول ها و ریزلایه های اکسید آهن- منگنز در شیب شمالی، و بقایای سنگی بیشتر در شیب جنوبی، همگی از دلایل هوادیدگی بیشتر خاک در شیب شمالی نسبت به شیب جنوبی می باشد. بطور کلی شیب جنوبی، دارای خاک های با تحول کمتر (انتی سول) و شیب شمالی دارای خاک های با تکامل بیشتر (آلفی سول) می باشد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Influence of Different Slope Aspects on Some Soil Properties and Forest Soils Evolution (Case Study: Rostam Abad Region, Guilan Province)

نویسندگان [English]

  • M. Zarinibahador 1
  • - K. Nabiollahi 2
  • M. Norouzi 3

1 Shahrekord University

2 Kordestan University

3 Tabriz University

چکیده [English]

Introduction: Spatial variation of soil properties is significantly influenced by numerous environmental factors such as landscape features, including position, topography, slope gradient and aspect, parent material, climate and vegetation. Soil properties vary spatially in south- and north-facing hill slopes. This factor (different slope aspects) can affect the distribution of soil organic matter, the presence or absence of a layer, pH, nutrient levels, soil mineralogical and micromorphological properties. Topographic factors such as the orientation of the hill slope and the steepness of the slope affect microclimate, vegetation establishment, water movement and erosion. Aspect and slope control the movement of water and materials in a hill slope and contribute to differences in soil properties. Temperature, precipitation and climate vary with elevation and influence pedogenic processes. Accelerated rates of weathering and soil development were found to occur in soils on south-facing slopes. Slopes with a south aspect are dominated by stone and bare soil patches, while slopes with a north aspect are dominated by biotic components. Northern slopes have higher productivity and species diversity compared to Southern slopes. Slope aspect has a significant effect on the composition, species richness, structure and density of plant communities, differed significantly between North- and South- facing slopes.
Materials and Methods: In the present study, the effects of two slope aspects on some soil properties and soil evolution was investigated in Northern Rostam Abad region in the Guilan Province. Five profiles in Southern hill slope(South-facing hill slopes) and five profiles in Northern hill slopes(North-facing hill slopes) with 40% slope and same parent material (basaltic andesite) and same plant cover were dug. The elevation of two slope aspects was 240 meters from the sea level. Average annual temperatures and precipitation are16 degrees centigrade and 1359 mm, respectively. Thus, the soil moisture and temperature regimes are udic and thermic, respectively. The physical and chemical analysis were carried out on soil samples including particle size distribution, bulk density, pH, organic carbon, total nitrogen, available phosphor and cation exchange capacity. This study was done in a completely randomized design several observational with five replications. The total of 34 soil samples were collected in the two slope aspect of the profile and all samples were tested and statistical analyzed. For the micromorphological study, thin sections were prepared from undisturbed samples. The samples were impregnated with polyester resin and later sectioned. The thin sections were prepared and analyzed in petrographic microscope equipped with polarized light.
Results and Discussion: The results of multivariable analysis of variance (MANOVA) and Hotteling's T2 showed that there is significant different in soil properties between two hill slopes(p≤0.01). Also, the results of t-test showed the values of pH, content of sand, sand to clay ratio and available phosphorous significantly was higher in Southern hill slope in comparison with Northern hill slope(p≤0.01). Whereas, clay content and cation exchange capacity significantly were higher in Northern hill slope in comparison with Southern hill slope(p≤0.05). Also observed micromorphological studies showed biological activity was stronger in Northern hill slope in comparison with Southern hill slope. Properties observed in thin sections of Northern slope aspect include fungal hyphae, spherical and ellipsoid excrement of microorganisms in root residual (related to oribatid mites) which indicated stronger biology in Northern slope aspect soils as compare to Southern slope aspect soils. Also, more accumulates* of clay inside voids, nodules, fragmented of coating of well-oriented, micro laminated, reddish-brown clay, chamber voids in Northern slope soils toward Southern slope soils were observed. B-fabricobserved in Northern hill slope soils is stipple speckled in surface horizons and in subsurface horizons is grano-striated and stipple speckled and b-fabric observed in Southern hill slopes soils in surface horizons and subsurface horizons is stipple speckled.
Conclusion: Higher content of clay, Cation exchange capacity, Accumulation of clay in pores, Fragments of clay coating (papule), chamber pores, Fe/Mn oxide nodule and micro-laminations in Northern hill slope and higher values of pH, higher content of sand, sand to clay ratio and available phosphorous, lithorelict in Southern hill slope showed that weathering was higher in Northern hill slope in comparison with Southern hill slope. Generally, Southern hill slope had less developed soils (Entisols and Udorthents great group) and Northern hill slope had high developed soils (Alfisols and Hapludalfs great group).

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Slope aspect
  • soil evolution
  • Soil micromorphology
  • Fe/Mn oxide nodules
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