Document Type : Research Article


Ahvaz -Ramin University of Agriculture and Natural Resources


Introduction: Drought stress is one of the main problems in agricultural productions in arid and semiarid regions such as Iran. Lack of water influences on most of plant physiological processes such as photosynthes, cellular development and uptake and transmission of nutrients in plants. Some approaches such as selection of resistance cultivars to drought stress, and selection of dripped irrigation have been applied in order to increase the irrigation efficiency. In recent years, biological approaches such as mycorrhizal symbiosis have been used to alleviate the detrimental effects of drought stress. Mycorrhizal symbioses increase the absorption of nutrients, especially phosphorus, and reduce the adverse effects of environmental stresses. It can also improve the host plant growth and yield. The percentage of mycorrhizal dependency of host plants depends on different environmental factors (such as light intensity, temperature, soil conditions), as well as morphological and physiological characteristics of plants. 1n 2010, a greenhouse pot experiment was conducted at University of Agriculture and Natural Resources Ramin. The effect of mycorrhizal inoculation on root morphology of three leek genotypes and uptake of phosphorous, calcium and potassium in shoot and root were studied.
Materials and Methods: The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design consisting of a 3×3×2 factorial combination. Experimental factors included three levels of soil moisture (40, 60 and 80% of available water in the soil), two mycorrhizal status (with and without fungus Glomus intraradices) and three leek genotypes including: Shadegan (with low root branching, short and thin root length), Esfahan (with abundant root branching and long root length) and Porrum (with low root branching, short and thick root length). The treatments were replicated four times. The soil was autoclaved at 121°C and15 PSI for 15 minutes and gently packed into PVC pots, 200 mm long and 150 mm in diameter. Leek seeds were sterilized with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solution (10%) for 20 min. Two hundred grams of inoculum (spore, hyphae, mycorrhizal clover of root fragments and soil) were placed in deep of plant root. Each pot received 10 cm-3 nutrients solution, free of P weekly. Plants equally watered for one mounth then, drought stresses were applied. Leeks were harvested 12 weeks after planting. Sub-samples of roots were taken for determination of root length were cleared in 10% (w/v) KOH solution and then were stained with trypan blue and root colonization was studied using modified Phillips & Hayman. The colonized root length was determined by binocular and gridline intersect method of Tennant. Phosphorus concentrations were measured by the method of colorimetery with a spectrophotometer. Potassium and calcium concentrations were determined by flame photometer and titration with vercin (Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid: EDTA), respectively. The statistical analysis was performed using MSTAT-C statistical software and means were compared by Duncan’s multiple range test at the significance level of P


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