Document Type : Research Article


1 College of Agric., Vali-e-Asr Univ., Rafsanjan

2 Agriculture and Natural Resource Research Center of Esfahan

3 College of Agric., Shahrekord Univ., Shahrekord


Geopedology is a systematic approach of geomorphic analysis for soil mapping which focuses the field operation mainly on sample area. The purpose of this study is to determine the credibility of generalization of the results of geopedological approach for similar landforms in the Borujen region, using diversity and similarity indices in a soil taxonomic hierarchical structure. After a primary interpretation of the study area on air photos (1:20000 scale), the largest delineation of Pi111 geomorphic unit was selected and 19 pedons with an approximate 125 m interval were excavated, described and sampled. The credibility of generalizing the results of the geopedological approach for the studied unit was tested by comparison with 15 pedons in a similar unit outside the sample area, named the validation area. Results showed that as the category decreases from order to soil family, the Shannon's diversity index increases in both the sample and validation areas. A significant difference at 95% confidence level was observed for pedodiversity mean values of two areas at family level. Soil diversity also remains high through the soil taxonomic hierarchy when we change the understanding level and consider the horizon/genetic diversity in both the sample and validation areas. Jaccard index and proportional similarity also indicated that up to subgroup level, the geopedological approach can be used for generalization of the similar geomorphic unit results and it does not have a good efficiency for lower soil taxonomic levels (family and series). Therefore, the use of landform phases and also phases of soil families and/or series for each of landform phases is recommended to increase the accuracy of geopedological results.

Key words: Geopedology, Pedodiversity, Similarity index, Sample area, Validation area