Document Type : Research Article


1 Bu-Ali Sina University

2 Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan


Introduction: Soil is a finite natural resource and non-renewable under agricultural production without implementation of sustainable management practices. Ecological sustainability of agroecosystems can be comparatively assessed by soil quality evaluation, which in turn is assessed by soil quality indices. Soil quality is the general term used to refer to “the continued capacity of soil to function as a vital living system, within ecosystem and land-use boundaries, to sustain biological productivity, maintain the quality of air and water environments, and promote plant, animal, and human health”. Conservation tillage and use of cover crops are some of the sustainable agriculture practices that can improve the soil quality by adding organic matter and nutrients, and by acting as scavengers to trap leftover nutrients that otherwise might leach out. Cover crops are used as ground cover, mulches, green manure, nurse crops, smother crops, and forage and food for animals or humans. Given the significant role of tillage practices and crop residue management in soil quality improvement and crop production, a four-year field experiment was conducted to determine selected soil quality indices and Cucurbitapepo yield under different tillage and legume cover crop managements in Hamadan.
Materials and Methods: A four-year field experiment (2011-2014) was carried out at Bu-Ali Sina University experimental field in Dastjerd, Hamadan, as a factorial experiment in randomized complete block design with three replications. The area is located at 37 km of Hamadan, on 35◦ 01' N latitude and 48◦ 31' E langitude with 330 mm annual rainfall and 1690 m altitude. The treatments consisted of three levels of tillage practices (NT: no-till (direct seeding), MT: minimum tillage (chisel plowing + disk) and CT: conventional tillage (moldboard plowing + disk)) and two levels of cover cropping (C1: with legume cover crop (lathyrus sativus) and C0: without cover crop). These treatments were applied for four consecutive years in a way that lathyrus sativus as cover crop were planted in late winter for each year and returned to the soil surface with a trowel when 30% of the field was flowered. One week later, and prior to the cultivation of main crop, the mentioned tillage treatments were implemented. In the fourth year of the project,Cucurbita pepo was planted as the main crop. Soil and plant (Cucurbita pepo) were sampled early autumn (2014) and were analyzed for soil organic carbon, soil active carbon, macro and micro-aggregate carbon, mean weighted diameter of water stable aggregates, soil bulk density, basal microbial respiration and grain yield. Obtained data were analyzed using statistical software SAS 9.4 and the means were compared using LSD multiple range test at 5 percent level.
Results and Discussion: The results revealed that total organic carbon, active carbon, aggregate carbon, mean weighted diameter of water stable aggregates, bulk density, porosity and basal respiration were significantly affected by cover crop and tillage system so that the highest amount of these indicators were obtained in no-tillage system with cover crop treatment (NT-C1) and the lowest amounts were observed in the conventional tillage without cover crop (CT-C0). For instance, mean soil organic carbon increased from 0.4 percent in CT-C0 to about 0.7 percent in NT-C1. For majority of soil quality indices, no significant difference was observed between minimum and no-till; moreover, the application of cover crop in conventional tillage improved some aspects of soil quality. For instance, MWD was the highest (2.14 mm) in NT-C1, and was not significantly different with that of MT-C1 treatment. On the contrary, this index was significantly the lowest (0.48 mm) in CT-C0. The C. pepo grain yield was also significantly affected by tillage system, cover crop and their interactions. The highest grain yield (142.1 g.m‌-2) was obtained in MT-C1 treatment, which did not show significant difference with NT-C1 treatment. The lowest C. pepo grain yield (115.3 g.m‌-2) was observed in conventional tillage without cover crop (CT-C0) treatment, but it was in a same statistical group with NT-C0, MT-C0 and CT-C1 treatments. Cover crop increased organic carbon, active carbon, porosity, bulk density, microbial biomass activity and MWD by enhancing soil organic matter, probably; conservation tillage on its part further improved these effects by preventing the rapid decomposition of organic matter by reduced soil destruction, which eventually increased soil organic carbon, active carbon and production of stable aggregates.
Conclusions: Generally, after four years of applying different tillage practices and cover cropping, it was demonstrated that the integrated management of the conservation tillage (either no-tillage or minimum tillage) with legume cover cropping was the most appropriate management in the semi-arid region of Hamadan in view of selected soil quality indices and crop yield improvements.


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