
نوع مقاله : مقالات پژوهشی


1 دانشگاه رازی

2 جهاد دانشگاهی استان کرمانشاه


پاکسازی آب‌های سطحی آلوده به نیترات و فسفات پیش از انتشار آنها در محیط و ایجاد اوتریفیکاسیون باتوجهبهاهمیتسلامتآبوبادرنظرگرفتن پیامدهایناشیازنیترات وفسفات ضروری به نظر می‌رسد. از اینرو این پژوهش برای شناسایی توانمندی دو گیاه علف چشمه و پونه در پالایش آب های آلوده به نیترات و فسفات شامل دو آزمایش فاکتوریل در قالب طرح پایه کاملاً تصادفی در شرایط هیدروپونیک انجام شد. فاکتور اول شامل نوع گیاه (پونه و علف چشمه) و فاکتور دوم در آزمایش اول و دوم به ترتیب عبارت از نیترات (50، 100 و 150 میلی گرم در لیتر) و فسفات (5، 10 و 15 میلی-گرم در لیتر) بود. دو گیاه از نظر انباشت فسفات در ریشه و اندام های هوایی با یکدیگر اختلاف داشتند. با اینحال روند تغییرات شاخص غلظت زیستی فسفر در اندام هوایی بین دو گیاه مشابه بود. به نحوی که افزایش غلظت فسفات در محلول کاهش معنی دار این شاخص را در هردو گیاه در پی داشت. علف چشمه و پونه غلظت بالایی از نیترات و فسفر را در خود انباشت داده اند و انباشت این عناصر در اندام هوایی نسبت به ریشه ها بیشتر بود. بطوریکه فاکتور انتقال نیترات در علف چشمه و پونه به ترتیب 3/1 و 07/1 و فاکتور انتقال فسفر نیز به ترتیب 07/1 و 94/0 به دست آمد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The Ability of Watercress (Nasturtiumofficinale) and Pennyroyal (Menthapulegium) in Clean up Excess Nitrate and Phosphate of Water

نویسندگان [English]

  • Z. Ahmadpoor 1
  • M. Khoramivafa 1
  • S. Jalali Honarmand 1
  • K. Cheghamirza 1
  • M. Khan Ahmadi 2

1 Razi University

2 Culture and Research (ACECR), Kermanshah

چکیده [English]

Introduction: There is necessary to clean up the nitrate and phosphate from surface waters before effluence of them to environment and eutrophication formation because of water health importance and considering to nitrate and phosphate consequences. Nitrate and ammonium as the - forms of inorganic and nitrogen have been subjected to the center of issues related to environment pollutants and water resources in a long time. The nitrate is more important than other inorganic nitrogen forms such as ammonium because of various reasons such as high dynamics and causing diseases such as some of digestion system and lymph nodes cancers in adults and methemoglobinemia in infants. Therefore the maximum concentration of this ion in drinking water has been determined as 45 mg.Lit-1 by WHO. Regarding the importance of the water health and the complications due to existence of some compounds such as nitrate and phosphate, in this experiment, the possibility of elimination or decreasing excess nitrate and phosphate from water in hydroponic conditions using of two watercress and pennyroyal plants was evaluated. Watercress(Nasturtiumofficinale) and pennyroyal (Menthapulegium)were selected because of some properties such as adaptability with the most climates of Iranamd less requirements care.
Materials and Methods: Two RCD factorial experiments were carried out to evaluate the ability of watercress and pennyroyal to biosorption of nitrate and phosphate from polluted water in hydroponic conditions. First factor was plant species including watercress and pennyroyal. Second factor included nitrate (50, 100, 150 Mg/L) and phosphate (5, 10, 15 Mg/L) in first and second experiment respectively.The final concentrations of nitrate and phosphate in water was measured using spectrophotometer in wavelength of 410 nm and 690 nm by sulphatebrucine and chloride methods , respectively, which are mentioned in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. At the end of the each experiment, watercress and pennyroyal plants were brought out from the pots carefully and their roots and shoots were separated. Roots and shoots were placed in aluminum foil separately and were dried by oven method (50°C and 48 h). The weights of dried samples were measured by a digital balance scale (0.001 gr accuracy). Three accumulation indices including Bio-concentration Factor, Translocation Factor and Tolerance Index were calculated by measuring of nitrate and phosphate accumulation in roots and shoots
Results and Discussion: According to the results, root phosphate accumulation in two plants was different significantly (p ≤ 0.05). Also, the level values of nitrate and phosphate were resulted to their root accumulation significantly. In this regard, the phosphate accumulation in watercress root changed to 10 mg. Lit-1 significantly and reached to 4.3 mg.Kg-1 dry weight in this concentration. While for pennyroyal, there was no significant increasing in roots phosphate accumulation when its concentration was increased in medium (p ≤ 0.05). Although phosphate accumulation was difference between the two plants in root and shoots, there was similar the alteration of phosphor bioconcentration trend. Because increasing of phosphate concentration resulted in significant decreasing of this index. Whilst both of watercress and pennyroyal accumulated high amount of nitrate and phosphate, quantity of accumulation in shoots was higher than of roots. Consequently, nitrate translocation factor was 1.3 in watercress and 1.07 in pennyroyal, and phosphor translocation factor was 1.07 and 0.94 in watercress and pennyroyal respectively.
Conclusions: Results indicated that two plants were pollutants purified of nitrate and phosphate (The nitrate translocation factors were 1.3 and 1.07 in watercress and pennyroyal and the phosphate translocation factors were 1.07 and 094 in watercress and pennyroyal, respectively). Generally, it was found that watercress and pennyroyal have extractive behavior completely about nitrate and phosphate. Because of the high ability of these plants in biosorption of phosphate and nitrate, with recovery of nitrogen and phosphorus cycle, they can be used as organic resources of nitrogen and phosphor supply in agricultural soil and prevent from entrancing them to seas. It is more important about phosphate, which has slowly cycle. Therefore two main roles for watercress and pennyroyal in aquatic ecosystems are expected. First, perform as bio-filter and returning the nitrogen and phosphor from surface water or wastewater for preventing the environmental pollution and second as secondary saleable or utilizable crop such as green manure and so on.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Aquatic ecosystems
  • Hydroponic
  • phytoremediation
  • Water Pollution
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