Document Type : Research Article


University of Tehran


As far as soil moisture is a function of soil structure and texture any changes on these properties changes the soil moisture content. In this study for finding the soil moisture content at field capacity and permanent wilting point for cultivated soil, point pedotransfer functions of non cultivated of the same soils were used. For this purpose 64 soil samples from cultivated and non cultivated were chosen in Abyek Qazvin area. Then available soil properties such as particle size distribution, bulk density, organic carbon, calcium carbonate, cation exchang capacity and PH of soils were measured. The soil moisture at FC and PWP. For non cultivated soil were determined by peresure plates. After that point pedotransfer functions were established. With using these functions the moisture of cultivated soils were predicted and compared with the measured ones. The results showed that this functions had overestimated moisture for FC and underestimated moisture for PWP. In fact cultivation reduses soil ability in moisture preservation. Correlation coefficient between measured and predicted moisture for cultivated soils at PWP was more than FC.
