Document Type : Research Article


Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Today, greenhouses are used for controlling different climacterics parameters, specially light and temperatures on agricultural productions. the most part of productions is Vegetables production in traditional greenhouses (TG) and unfortunately productions quality and quantity in greenhouses is lower than modern (MG) ones. this experiment studies the effects of different climates of two kinds of greenhouses; MG (temperature: 21/93 oc, light density: 5916 fc, relative humidity:31%) and TG (temperature: 32/72 oc, light density:4650 fc, relative humidity: 45%) greenhouses on the growth of tomato cultivars. The examine was installed in Factorial Completely Randomized Plots Design with three replications and two kinds of greenhouses (TG and MG) and four tomato cultivars that were done in MG and TG of Horticulture department of Ferdowsi university in Mashhad. The results showed; Titrable acidity and pH were affected by cultivars and greenhouses, and showed the significant differences. The Effects of greenhouse climacteric on vitamin C content become signified (p≤%5). The highest number of shoots, inflorescences and fruits (59.7, 14.1 and 27.8) were observed in MG. Isn MG, yield increased up to 70 percent and was more than TG, increasing in number of fertile flowers and fruit sets led to increasing of yield in MG and also cultivars, greenhouse climacteric parameters and their interactions had significant effects on mass of 1000 grain and the seed, which was produced in MG (3.53 g), were bigger than the TG (3.20 g). So we observed that Chlorophyll content of leaf in MG, which is directly related to photosynthesis and yield, was more than the TG.

Keywords: Traditional greenhouse, Modern greenhouse, Yield, Quantitative, Qualitative characteristics