
نوع مقاله : مقالات پژوهشی


دانشگاه زابل


قسمت قابل توجهی از تلفات آب در شبکه‌های آبیاری و زهکشی مربوط به بخش انتقال و توزیع است. لذا مسئله مدیریت شبکه‌های آبیاری، افزایش راندمان آبیاری و در نتیجه بهره‌برداری از منابع آب، بخصوص در بخش کشاورزی باید بعنوان مسئله‌ای اساسی مورد توجه هر چه بیشتر قرار گیرد. شبکه آبیاری و زهکشی شیب‌آب با 5 بلوک دارای مساحت 23820 هکتار در دشت سیستان می‌باشد. این تحقیق با استفاده از مدل هیدرولیکی HEC-RAS، با هدف ارزیابی عملکرد و بهره‌‌برداری سازه‌های موجود در کانال اصلی شیب ‌آب طی یک مرحله آبگیری 15روزه انجام گرفته است. در ابتدا واسنجی مدل بر اساس داده‌های اندازه‌گیری و شبیه‌سازی عمق و دبی در شرایط واقعی بهره‌برداری برای دوره 10 روزه آبگیری کانال در تاریخ 2 تا 11 اردیبهشت انجام شد و مقادیر پارامترهای آماری RMSE، EF، MBE و R2 محاسبه گردید سپس با توجه به نتایج شبیه‌سازی مدل HEC-RAS در شرایط غیرماندگار، تابع هدف با استفاده از شاخص‌های عملکرد بهره‌‌برداری کفایت، راندمان، عدالت و پایداری در تحویل دبی مولدن و گیتس، ارزیابی گردید. نتایج حاصل از شبیه‌سازی در شرایط بهره‌برداری موجود، میزان خطای تحویل دبی را 54/0 نشان داد که این میزان خطا با اعمال مدیریت بر روی سازه‌های تنظیم شبکه تا 42/0 کاهش یافت. بر اساس نتایج شبیه‌سازی، مقادیر میانگین درصد بهبود شاخص‌های کفایت، راندمان، عدالت و پایداری و نیز تابع هدف در تحویل آب به ترتیب برابر 7/19، 90/20، 07/66، 24/65 و 81/54 می‌باشد. بنابراین بیشترین سهم بهبود در وضعیت تابع هدف برای شیوه مدیریتی پیشنهادی سازه‌های کنترل و تنظیم کانال اصلی شیب‌آب مربوط به شاخص‌های عدالت و پایداری می‌باشد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Evaluation of Control and Adjustment Structures of the Shibab Main Canal Using HEC-RAS

نویسندگان [English]

  • maryam mohammadi
  • farzad hassanpour
  • Majid azizpour pirsaraie

University of Zabol

چکیده [English]

Introduction: Poor performance of irrigation and drainage networks causes to reduce the transfer and distribution throughputs and in result comes useless water and makes too much consumption in forming. A significant portion of water losses in irrigation and drainage networksis related to transmission and distribution. Therefor more consideration in thrirrigation network management, improve irrigation efficiency and also the exploitation of water resources, especially in the agricultural sector is necessary. Controlling and adjusting structures of water level in the direction of drainage and irrigation canals can influence on increasing of throughput and decrease the use of water. So, right choosing and recognition of the deficiencies of these structures helps carry up the throughput of the networks and prevents to waste water. It is hard to solve equations of water flow in canals and related institutions by using analytic methods. For this reason, this research was done with HEC-RAS hydraulical model in the main channelof irrigation and drainage network of Sistan plain.
Materials and Methods: Sistan plain is located in southeastern of Iran with good potential for agricultural production because of the alluvial sediments from Hirmand River. 23820 ha of the Sistan plain is covered by 5 blocksof the Shibab irrigation and drainage network. While Sistan’sShibab irrigation network efficiency is low, HEC-RAS Hydraulics model in unsteady condition was performed to control and adjust this network’s main canal in approximately 19 Km length. In this research, the evaluation model in the canal was performed for more suitable intakingwater in the quadruple order 2 canals . So, the existing structure’s operation was analyzed on controlling structures in management and lack of management situations.This research was assessed during a 15-day impounding period using hydraulic model of HEC-RAS with the aim of performance and operation evaluation of existing structures on the Shibab main canal. HEC-RAS model was prepared by United States army corps of engineers which is developed by the hydrologicengineering center.HEC-RAS analyzes river system and runs under the Windows operating system. This software package is of hydraulic analysis program series, where the user communicates with the system via a graphical user interface (GUI). The system is capable of performing steady and unsteady flow water surfaceprofile calculations. HEC-RAS software is designed to perform one dimensional hydraulic calculation for a full network of natural and synthetic channels. Visits were made before and after the beginning of irrigation, and during the Operation, in order to record the data of the flow and observe the way of utilization of canal, and existing structures. Then, the model was calibrated on the basis of depth and discharge measurement and simulation data in real condition of operation for 10 days impoundment during 21 to 30 April, and the Statistical parameter values:RMSE, EF, MBEand R2 were calculated. Then the objective functionwas evaluatedusingoperational performance indexes of adequacy, efficiency, equity and reliability of Molden and Gates regarding to HEC-RAS simulation results in unsteady condition.
Results and Discussion: According to the simulation results in existing condition,theerror of delivery dischargeis equal to 0.54 while applying the management onthe adjustment structure of irrigation networkdeclined theerror to 0.42. By the canal routstructuremanagement in HEC-RAS model, on the basis of proposed operation option, according to existing operation condition, delivery discharge loss in comparison to the total discharge of the network 0.12 value decreases.Based on the simulation results, the mean percentage of improvementin performance indexes of adequacy,efficiency, equity and reliability, as well as objective functionofdelivery discharge are equal to 19.7, 20.90, 66.07, 65.24and54.81. Therefore based on simulation results of different scenarios and investigation of the effective factors onto the flow, onthe forms of charts and tables show that without management on controlling structures, it isn`t possible to appropriate of flow rate onto second class canals and traditional streams branched out main canal and also streams branched out second class canals, properly.
Conclusion: The results show that the model of HEC-RAS is proper for hydraulic simulation of main canal in the irrigation and drainage network of Sistan plain. Based on the simulation results of different scenarios of this research, the mostimprovements intheobjective functionare allocated toequity and reliability indexes in the Shibab main canal with the proposed management method.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Irrigation network
  • Performance indexes
  • Sistan plain
  • Unsteady flow
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