Document Type : Research Article


1 Professor in Water Resources Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 College of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Environmental pollution has made urban citizens to focus on landscapes. In this respect Lown is very important plant. From the other hand water resources in many arid and semi-arid region is saline. For this purpose a research was conducted to study the effect of sprinkling irrigation with saline water on growth parameters of three Lown varieties. These varieties were Poa partensis, Festuca arundianca and Lolium prenne. A complete randomized block with 3 irrigation treatments and 9 replications were used. The salinity of irrigation waters were EC=2.4 and EC= 5.3 dS/m. growth parameters were followed for 7 months. After this period of time, germination rate, height of plant, dry weight of ground canopy and length of roots were measured. The results showed that Festuca is resistance to salinity while Poa could not tolerate and dried immediately after increasing air temperature.

Key words: Salinity, Sprinkling irrigation, Lown varieties, Lolium, Festuca, Poa