Document Type : Research Article


1 Soil Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

2 Horticultural Sciences Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

3 Agronomy and Plant Breeding Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran


Application of agricultural waste composts, in addition to improving soil fertility, has positive effects on the quality of agricultural products and the environment by reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and recycling agricultural waste. Spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.) is a suitable plant for studying the effects of composts and chemical fertilizers due to some physiological characteristics such as high antioxidant activity and oxalic acid, significant amount of mineral compounds and vitamin C, and nitrate accumulation. Despite relatively extensive studies on the effect of different composts on plants, no study has been conducted so far to investigate the effect of grape pomace (GP) composts on plants in Iran. Therefore, the objectives of the present study were: 1- to investigate the effect of different GP composts on yield, nutrient elements, and some physiological parameters of spinach in comparison with two levels of urea fertilization in a pot experiment in two consecutive growing seasons, and 2- to investigate the relationship between nutrient elements and physiological indicators of spinach based on principal component analysis.
Materials and Methods
To investigate the effects of GP composts on yield, nutrient elements, and physiological parameters of spinach (Persius hybrid), an outdoor pot experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with eight compost treatments, two levels of urea fertilizer (46%), and a control treatment (C0) in three replications and two consecutive growing seasons (spring and fall). Compost treatments included: High grape pomace (HG) (60-63%) with chickpea straw and alfalfa (HG-Ch-A), high GP with chickpea straw and sugar beet pulp (HG-Ch-B), high GP with alfalfa and sugar beet pulp (HG-A-B), high GP combined with chickpea straw, alfalfa, and sugar beet pulp (HG-All); four other compost treatments included low level of grape pomace (LG) (37-42%) combined with other residues/wastes similar to the first four treatments (LG-Ch-A, LG-Ch-B, LG-A-B, and LG-All). Urea fertilizer treatments included: 150 kg per hectare (C150) (two-stage top dressing) and 500 kg per hectare (C500) (three-stage top dressing). Prior to planting, the composts were separately mixed into the soil (sandy loam) at a rate of 2% by weight(. The first crop was grown for 50 days in May 2018 and the second crop was grown for 45 days in September 2018. In both seasons, plant samples were taken in the early morning at the end of the growing season to determine the fresh and oven-dried weight of shoot and root samples, leaf area, nutrient elements, and some physiological indicators. Some of the shoot samples were wrapped in aluminum foil and stored in a freezer (-20 °C) to determine the amount of chlorophyll (type a, type b, and total), carotenoids, total phenol, vitamin C, and antioxidant activity. Oxalic acid, zinc, iron, copper, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and nitrate were determined in oven-dried samples. One-way ANOVA was applied separately to spring and fall data, and mean comparisons were made using Duncan's test at the 0.05% level. Principal component analysis was used to determine the relationships between nutrient elements and physiological indicators of spinach.
Results and Discussion
The LG-Ch-A and C500 treatments (in spring cultivation), and the LG-A-B, LG-All, and HG-All treatments (in fall cultivation) had the highest leaf number, leaf area, and yield and were significantly difference from the C0 treatment. The high yield in C500, LG-Ch-A, LG-All, and HG-All treatments was associated with nitrate accumulation in spinach. In both cultivations, there was a significant positive correlation between the amount of P, K, Mg and Zn in spinach and the amount of these elements in the corresponding composts. A synergistic relationship was also observed between P and Mg; P and Zn; and Mg and Zn in spinach. On the other hand, an antagonistic relationship was observed between Ca and Mg in spinach because a high concentration of calcium inhibits magnesium uptake by reducing cell permeability. In both seasons, the chemical fertilizer treatments showed the highest amount of chlorophyll and carotenoids because these compounds increase with increasing nitrogen availability. On the contrary, the amount of antioxidant activity was significantly higher in compost treatments than in chemical treatments. In the spring cultivation, the highest and lowest amount of oxalic acid and oxalic acid/Ca ratio were observed in the LG-Ch-B and HG-All treatments, respectively. Interactions between nutrients and physiological indicators were observed. The uptake of all micronutrients, P, and Mg (in both cultivations) and K (in the fall cultivation) was inhibited by high Ca concentration. With the decrease of micronutrients uptake, an increase in nitrate accumulation may occur because micronutrients are present in the structure of nitrate reducing enzymes. The interdependence between Mg and oxalic acid/Ca (in spring), K and oxalic acid (in fall), and Na and oxalic acid/Ca (in fall) may be related to the role of oxalates in the uptake of mineral ions by plants, since oxalates are usually combined with Na, Mg, Ca, and K in the form of soluble and insoluble salts.
The use of urea chemical fertilizer (at two levels) and agricultural waste composts had different effects on the physiological indicators, growth and nutrients in spinach. Spinach grown in soils treated with composts rich in P, K, Mg, and Zn had higher nutritional value. The grouping of treatments by principal component analysis showed that chemical and control treatments were clearly separated from compost treatments with high amount of chlorophyll, carotenoid, nitrate, K, and Zn and low amount of oxalic acid, oxalic acid/Ca ratio, antioxidant activity, phenol, and Na. In general, the use of C500, LG-Ch-A, LG-All and HG-All treatments is not recommended due to nitrate accumulation in spinach.


Main Subjects

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