Document Type : Research Article


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Permissible working hours of agricultural wells in the Neyshabour plain was determined equal 4120 hours by regional water authority of Khorasan-e-Razavi. This research was conducted to introduce method of working hours of agricultural wells in the Khorasan-e-Razavi province (case study of Neyshabour plain) and analyse effective parameters on working time of wells. For this purpose, the area of agronomy and horticulture crops was obtained for the years of 2001 to 2010. Water requirement of these crops was extracted from the water national document. Working hours of wells for every months would be calculated by deviding gross irrigation requirement to average hydromodul of three maximum months. The calculations to assess the effect of sowing pattern was done separately in two phases, for all crops pattern and for major crops pattern. In the thirth and forth phases, the effect of annual variation of water requirement and irrigation hydromodul were assessed on the working hours of Neyshabour plain wells. The results showed that instead of using all crops pattern, it is possible to use just major crops in calculating of working hours of wells. Annual variation of sowing pattern and water requirement in the Neyshabour plain have significant effect (95% confidence) on working hours of wells. By suppose the constant area under crops in the Neyshabour plain, adjust in calculating of working hours of wells was done using measured hydromodul in the region. In adjusted method, the annual working hours showed increase averagely 440 (11%) hours in compare to permissible working hours of Neyshabour plain (4120 hours). This variety in working hours of wells cause to be near to existence and realy conditions of the Neyshabour plain. In an agronomy year, it is possible to have an acceptable forcasting for working hours of regional wells by determining the sowing area of wheat and barley.


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