Document Type : Research Article


1 MSc in Soil Biology, Department of Soil Science, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Soil Science, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

3 Research Assistant, Department of Soil Science, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Resources Engineering, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

5 Professor, Department of Soil Science, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.


The maintenance of planted forests in arid and semi-arid lands is important. Soil formation in forest ecosystems is different with different tree species. Tree species have a direct and indirect effect on soil organisms. Forest ecosystems change their species composition and abundance of microorganisms, and consequently their biogeochemical cycles. The accumulation of vegetation biomass and the improvement of soil fertility can play a significant role in soil restoration.
Materials and Methods
In order to investigate the biological characteristics of the soil from 5 treatments, including agricultural (dry farming and relatively poor lands that are usually cultivated barley and wheat and have low productivity), pasture (pastures with minimal vegetation and high slopes that are affected by overgrazing have been changed to barren lands), forest with Acacia type (under and outside the crown), forest with the Cupressus arizonica type (under and outside the crown) and forest with the Pinus brutia type (under and outside the crown) randomly. Sampling was done in 3 repetitions from the 0 to 5 cm layer. The statistical sampling design of this research was completely random, in which, according to the type of afforested species, two types of coniferous forest stands (including Cupressus arizonica and Pinus brutia) and one broadleaf stand (Acacia species) were selected. Also, the area under the crown trees and outside the crown trees was also investigated. Soil samples were sampled with sterile equipment and crushed through a 4-mm sieve. Fresh and moist soil was kept at 4 °C temperature for soil biological tests. Microbial biomass carbon, soil basal respiration (197 days), substrate-induced respiration, and metabolic quotient were measured. Streptomycin sulfate was used to measure fungal respiration and cycloheximide was used to measure bacterial respiration. The activities of urease, acid, and alkaline phosphatase enzymes were determined. After measuring the biological properties of the soil, the normality of the data was checked by the Anderson–Darling test, and the homogeneity of the variance of the treatments was checked by using Levene's test. Analysis of data variance was done using One-Way ANOVA and average data comparison was done using Duncan's test at 5 and 1% probability levels (SAS 9.4 and SPSS 26).
Results and Discussion
The results of soil biological characteristics analysis showed that the highest values of soil respiration and amount of consumed organic matter, substrate-induced respiration, microbial biomass carbon, enzyme activities, and fungal respiration were measured in conifers. Although the amount of these features was also significant in broadleaf trees, they had significant differences. In this study, the high soil respiration rate in coniferous covers compared to broadleaf can be due to the high organic carbon content of the soil in this cover. According to the results of substrate-induced respiration in different coatings, likely the activity of microorganisms involved in the decomposition of organic matter in the studied habitats had a significant difference; Therefore, different coatings can affect the population of soil microorganisms as the main source of decomposition and emission of carbon dioxide by changing the quantity and quality of organic matter and other factors. Also, the highest values of metabolic quotient and bacterial respiration were observed in agricultural and pasture covers. A higher metabolic quotient in these covers indicates a decrease in the efficiency of the use of leaf litter by the soil microbial community. In general, the metabolic quotient in the bacterial community is higher than the fungal community; Therefore, it seems that the predominance of the bacterial population in agricultural and pasture cover has caused this index to increase, although plowing and cultivation, and disturbance of these covers have caused stress to this bacterial community and as a result increased the metabolic quotient deficit in these covers.
The results of this research showed that the type of planted tree species causes significant changes in the biological characteristics of the soil. The current research shows that the forest, whether coniferous or broadleaf, had the highest values of enzyme activities, basal respiration, substrate-induced respiration, microbial biomass carbon, and the lowest values of metabolic quotient compared to agricultural and pasture covers. Afforestation increases biological activity and possibly the number and diversity of microorganisms, and improves soil characteristics in the long term. In agriculture and pasture land, due to the destruction of soil and aggregates by agricultural activities such as plowing or excessive livestock grazing, the amount of organic carbon and the activity of microorganisms decreases, and with the decrease of other soil characteristics, the quality of the soil decreases over time. From this research, it can be concluded that the planting of forest species in the soils of degraded areas in the long term can increase soil organic carbon due to high-quality leaf litter, and as a result, increase permeability and soil moisture. Increasing soil organic carbon increases the activity of microorganisms, and in the long term, it will improve various soil characteristics. Planting forest plants in the natural areas of the country, which were destroyed due to the change of use to agriculture and indiscriminate cultivation and finally abandoned, can improve the characteristics of the soil and, as a result, establish the native vegetation of the region, and increase the permeability of water in the soil, the risk of soil erosion, floods, etc. reduce.


Main Subjects

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