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نوع مقاله : مقالات پژوهشی


1 گروه مهندسی آب، دانشکده کشاورزی، دانشگاه شهرکرد

2 دانشگاه شهرکرد

3 مرکز ملی تحقیقات شوری

4 مرکز تحقیقات و آموزش کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی استان یزد


در سال‌های اخیر استفاده از روش‌های آبیاری قطره­ای- نواری (نظیر Tape در مزارع گندم) به‌عنوان یک راهکار مدیریت آب در مزرعه به کشاورزان توصیه شده است. این روش در مزارع گندم به دلیل هزینه‌ها و همچنین احتمال بروز مشکلات شوری خاک، دارای محدودیت‌هایی است که بخشی از این موارد می‌تواند از طریق افزایش فاصله لوله‌های آبده و کاهش مصرف نوارهای آبیاری در واحد سطح مرتفع شود. در این پژوهش که طی سال زراعی 1399-1400 و در استان یزد انجام شد، تأثیر فاصله لوله‌های آبده (لترال) بر توزیع سطحی و عمقی شوری خاک مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. برای این هدف، دو تیمار شوری آب آبیاری شامل 3 و 8 دسی­زیمنس بر متر و دو سیستم آبیاری غرقابی و قطره‌ای- نواری با فواصل لترال 60، 100 و 140 سانتی­متر مد نظر قرار گرفتند. نتایج نشان داد که اگرچه روش قطره‌ای - نواری در شرایط شور (8 دسی‌زیمنس بر متر) نسبت به شرایط غیر شور (3 دسی‌زیمنس بر متر) منجر به تجمع بیشتر املاح در خاک شده و احتمال بروز خسارت به گیاه را تشدید می­کند، اما نتایج نهایی این پژوهش حاکی از آن بود که با افزایش فواصل لترال­های آبیاری و به تناسب آن افزایش عمق آبیاری و دور نگه­داشتن املاح از بستر کاشت، می‌توان محیط مناسب‌تری را برای رشد گیاه آماده کرد و از مزایای اقتصادی این اقدام نیز بهره برد. همچنین، از نظر کنترل شوری اعماق خاک نیز شرایط به گونه‌ای بوده است که تیمار با فاصله لترال 140 سانتی­متر نسبت به تیمارهای 60 و100سانتی­متر منجر به مقادیر کمتر شوری خاک در لایه‌های زیرین گردیده و شرایط بهتری را برای گیاه فراهم کرده است. به‌طوری‌که با افزایش فواصل لترال­ها از 60 به 140 سانتی­متر و به تبع آن، افزایش عمق آبیاری‌ها، امکان انتقال املاح به اعماق پایین­تر خاک نیز فراهم شد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Effects of Lateral Spacing in Tape Irrigation System on Salinity Distribution in Soil Profile under Wheat Cultivation

نویسندگان [English]

  • Nader Karimi 1
  • Sayyed-Hassan Tabatabaei 2
  • Mohammad Hassan Rahimian 3
  • Seyyed Alireza Esmaeilzadeh Hosseini 4

1 Department of Water Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran

2 Shahrekord University

3 National Salinity Research Center

4 Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Yazd

چکیده [English]

 In arid and semi-arid regions, agricultural sustainability needs to improve the consumption of water and soil resources. Low rainfall, high evaporation, low water quality and less leaching of solutes in the soil due to limited water resources are the main problems in these areas. The quality of water and soil resources in the provinces of Fars, Khuzestan, Yazd, Golestan and Khorasan also shows that most of the wheat farming lands in these provinces are always facing salinity issues. According to the conducted studies, saline water can be successfully used in irrigation, but application of unconventional water by surface irrigation systems with low efficiency due to evaporation and high water salts leads to soil salinity. Micro-irrigation methods increase water use efficiency by reducing water consumption and increasing yield, so that drip irrigation efficiency of 91-80% and irrigation levels of 50-73% have been reported. In recent years, the use of drip irrigation system (such as tape on wheat fields) has been recommended to farmers as a water management solution. Micro-irrigation systems by reducing water consumption and increasing yields, improve water use efficiency. Drip tape irrigation system compared to other surface and sprinkler irrigation methods, due to short irrigation periods and reduction of evaporation losses and deep infiltration even for crops can be proposed as an alternative. Drip tape irrigation in wheat cultivation can increase water use efficiency up to 2 times. Also, in irrigation with salt water, while maintaining humidity in the environment, it reduces salinity stress and by consuming less water and reducing the amount of wetting, it introduces less solutes into the soil. This method has limitations in wheat fields due to costs and also the possibility of soil salinity problems, some of which can be overcome by increasing the distance between the laterals and reducing the consumption of drip irrigation (Tape) per unit area.
Materials and Methods
  In this study, during the 2020-2021 at the Salinity Research Center of Yazd Province (Iran), the effect of lateral distances on the surface and depth distribution of soil salinity was investigated. For this purpose, two irrigation water salinity treatments, including 3 and 8 dS / m and two flood (T1) and drip irrigation systems (Tape) with lateral distances of 60 (T2), 100 (T3) and 140 (T4) cm were considered. Irrigation management treatments included the use of the flooding method (as the dominant method in wheat fields) and the use of the Tape drip irrigation method (as the proposed method with very low water consumption). A distance of 60 cm was considered as the optimal distance with complete water overlap, a distance of 100 cm was considered as an economic distance with the possibility of deep moisture distribution and a distance of 140 cm was considered as a large lateral distance. To investigate the salinity distribution and the accumulation of salts in the soil, regular soil sampling of different treatments was the end of the season.
Results and Discussion
 In all irrigation treatments (saline and non-saline), despite the constant volume of water consumption per unit area of all treatments, in T3 and T4 treatments, irrigation depth increased compared to T2 treatment and reduced soil salinity in the wetting area (irrigated area). By increasing the horizontal distance of each point of the field from the lateral, the irrigation depth and leaching fraction decrease and consequently, the soil salinity of these points can also increase. Under non-saline irrigation conditions (salinity of 3 dS/m), soil salinity at intervals of zero (below the lateral), 15 and 30 cm, between 5.5 and 6.1 dS/m has been observed. Values below the threshold of tolerance to salinity of wheat plant and, in this regard, does not pose a risk to the plant. At a distance of 45, 60 and 70 cm from the water pipe, the salinity of the soil is higher than the threshold and if there is a plant in this area of the field, it will face serious damage.
 The results showed that although the Tape method in saline conditions (8 dS/m) compared to non-saline conditions (3 dS/m) leads to higher accumulation of solutes in the soil and increases the possibility of plant damage, but according to the final results of this study, by increasing the distances of irrigation laterals and proportionally increasing the depth of irrigation and keeping the salts away from the planting bed, a more suitable environment for plant growth can be prepared and higher economic benefits of this measure can be obtained. Also, in terms of controlling soil salinity, the conditions have been such that treatment with lateral distance of 140 cm compared to treatments of 60 and 100 cm has led to lower amounts of soil salinity in the subsurface and has provided better conditions for the plant. Thus, by increasing the distances of laterals from 60 to 140 cm and, consequently, increasing the depth of irrigation, it was possible to transfer solutes to lower depths of the soil.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Lateral
  • Saline water
  • Solute accumulation
  • Soil salinity
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