B. Mirkamandar; Seied Hosein Sanaei-Nejad; H. Rezaee-Pazhand; M. Farzandi
Introduction: The behavior of daily changes in temperature is not straightforward. We first drew the curve of this variable on a normal day. It can be seen that the distribution of this variable was not normal. The curve of this variable was a skewed curve to the right. Therefore, the equal coefficients ...
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Introduction: The behavior of daily changes in temperature is not straightforward. We first drew the curve of this variable on a normal day. It can be seen that the distribution of this variable was not normal. The curve of this variable was a skewed curve to the right. Therefore, the equal coefficients could be used only as approximation for estimating daily average temperature. Climatic conditions of the meteorological stations were also another parameter to be considered. This research presents a new method for estimating daily average of temperature in three climatic regions of Iran. The patterns for the sample stations in each climatic region were presented separately. Materials and Methods: E. Eccel (2012) developed algorithms to simulate the relative humidity of the minimum daily temperature in 23 weather stations in the ALP region of Italy. In this research, the base pattern was calibrated by temperature and precipitation measurement. Ephrath, et al. (1996) developed a method for the calculation of diurnal patterns of air temperature, wind speed, global radiation and relative humidity from available daily data. During the day, air temperature was calculated by: (1) (2) where S (t): Dimensionless function of time, DL: Day Length h, LSH: the time of maximum solar high h, ta: Current air Temperature, P: the delay in air Tmax with respect to LSH h. Farzandi, et al. (2012) presented more accurate patterns for estimating daily relative humidity from humidity of Iranian local standard hours and daily precipitation variables, the minimum, maximum and average daily temperature in coastal regions. The purpose was to present linear and nonlinear patterns of daily relative humidity separately for different months (12 patterns) and annually in coastal regions (the Caspian Sea, the Persian Gulf, and the Oman Sea). Rezaee-Pazhand, et al. (2008) introduced new patterns for estimating daily average temperature in arid and semiarid regions of Iran. Final pattern has interception and new coefficients for estimate daily average of temperature. (3) Veleva, et al. (1996) showed that the atmospheric temperature-humidity complex (T-HC) of sites located in a tropical humid climate cannot be well characterized by annual average values. Better information is given by the systematic study of daily changes of temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH), which can be modeled with linear and parabolic functions. Farzandi et al. (2011) divided Iran into three climatic clusters used in the present work. First a classification which provides climatological clustering. This clustering was used the data of annual relative humidity, temperature, precipitation, altitude, range of temperature, evaporation and three indices of De Martonne, Ivanov and Thornthwaite. Iran was partitioned into three clusters i.e. coastal areas, mountainous range and arid and semi-arid zone. Several clustering methods were used and around method was found to be the best. Cophenetic correlation coefficient and Silhouette width were validation indices. Homogeneity and Heterogeneity tests for each cluster were done by L-moments. The “R”, software packages were used for clustering and validation testes. Finally clustering map of Iran was prepared using “GIS”. The data of 149 synoptic stations were used for this analysis. Systematic sampling was done to select sample stations. The linear regression model was fitted after screening and data preparation. A model was presented for estimating daily average of temperature in each climatic region and sampling stations in each cluster. The best models were presented by reviewing the required statistics and analyzing the residuals. The calibration and comparison of the presented patterns in this paper with commonly applied models were undertaken to calculate the mean squared error. “SPSS.22” software was used for analysis. Results and Discussion: The coefficient of determination (R2) and the Fisher statistics show that the patterns have a good ability to estimate the daily average of temperature. The daily average temperature pattern confirmed an interception in the equations. Standardized coefficients showed that predictor variables were not weighted in all of the patterns. The average values of the residuals in each pattern was zero. According to the graphs, stabilization of variance can be seen based on the residual on each pattern in each cluster. The mean squared error is a measure of the applicability of patterns. The accuracy of the estimating daily average temperature by the recommended models in three climates was confirmed by calculating the mean squared error. The proposed patterns of this study had less error than common patterns. Thus, the patterns have a good ability to estimate daily average temperature. Conclusion: The maximum temperature in calculating daily average of temperature is more effective than the minimum temperature. The standardized coefficient (Beta) of the daily average temperature patterns in coastal cluster was 48.2% for the minimum temperature and 51.8% for the maximum temperature. The largest influence of the maximum temperature was 63.1% in mountainous cluster for estimating daily average temperature. Range of the interception in the equations was from -1.735 to 0.26. The independent assumption of the residual was confirmed with the acceptable value of Durbin-Watson statistics. The average of the residuals in each patterns was zero. According to the graphs stabilization of variance can be seen based on the residual on the each pattern in each cluster. The proposed patterns were calculated according to mathematical principles but the common patterns did not consider these mathematical principles. The mean squared error (MSE) of the proposed patterns are less than common patterns. Therefore, the patterns presented in this study are more powerful than common patterns. The largest difference between the proposed patterns and the common patterns for estimate the daily average of temperature was 24% in mountainous cluster. Climatic clustering was done for states. The monthly and annual average temperature can be reliably estimated by using the data of sample stations in each state. These findings can be used to estimate daily, monthly and annual average of relative humidity in three climates and sample stations. In addition, one can employ the method for estimating daily, monthly and annual average of relative humidity and temperature based on around climatological clustering of Iran and other stations. Annual relative humidity, temperature, precipitation, altitude, range of temperature, evaporation can also be applied to estimate daily, monthly and annual average of temperature and relative humidity more accurately.
N. Khalili Samani; A. Azizian
Interduction: Spatial and temporal improper distribution of precipitation is one of the major problems in the water district. Increasing population and reduction per capita fresh water has made freshwater resources as a renewable to a semi-renewable source (1).
Rainfall is one of the climatic variables ...
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Interduction: Spatial and temporal improper distribution of precipitation is one of the major problems in the water district. Increasing population and reduction per capita fresh water has made freshwater resources as a renewable to a semi-renewable source (1).
Rainfall is one of the climatic variables that influence the ground water resources. The existence of models for predicting the annual precipitation and subsequent management of water resources in arid, semi-arid and also humid regions is useful . In this study, the simple regression models that relate the annual precipitation to the duration of 42.5 and 47.5 mm of precipitation from the beginning of autumn (t42.5 and t47.5, respectively) and mean annual precipitation (Pm), in Khuzestan (2), Kerman (3) and southern and western provinces of Iran (4) were evaluated using long-term daily precipitation data of Shahrekord and Yazd Weather stations and, if necessary, modified equations.
Materials and methods: In this study, long-term daily precipitation data of Shahrekord and Yazd Weather stations (1360-1392) from Meteorological Administration of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari and Yazd were prepared, completed and used for analysis. At each station the duration of 42.5 and 47.5 mm of precipitation from the beginning of autumn (t42.5 and t47.5, respectively) for each year, annual precipitation and mean annual precipitation for subsequent calculations were extracted. Then, the homogeneity and adequacy of data were checked using RUN Test. Equations of 1 to 8 were used for predicting the annual precipitation using 70% of the data. The relationship between observed and predicted annual precipitation were evaluated. Then the coefficients of equations were corrected by 70% of the data set using SPSS Software in Shahrekord and Yazd Weather Stations. The remaining 30% of data were used to validate the modified models. Index of agreement (d) and normalized root mean square error (NRMSE), were used to evaluate the models. The NRMSE values close to zero and d values close to 1 indicate proper operation of the model.
Results and Discussion: Results showed that the models with straight and reverse relationships between t42.5 or t47.5 and Pm were not suitable to estimate the annual precipitation in Shahrekord. However, these models were relatively acceptable for Yazd. While the simple regression model using t42.5, t47.5 and the long-term Pm as independent inputs could be able to predict the annual precipitation of Shahrekord and Yazd stations with acceptable accuracy.
Conclusion : Using the relationship between t42.5, t47.5 and Pa (equations of 1, 3, 4 and 7) for estimating the annual precipitation in Shahrekord and Yazd stations, NRMSE values obtained greater than 0.3 and d index less than 0.7 (Fig. 3 and 4). Furthermore , the models included t42.5, t47.5 and Pm versus Pa (equations of 2, 5, 6 and 8), had not acceptable results (Fig. 5 and 6). By modifying the above mentioned equations (models of 10 to 14 for Shahrekord and 15 to 19 for Yazd) and comparison of measured and predicted annual precipitation by the modified models, the results showed that the linear and inverse relationship between t42.5, t47.5 and annual precipitation could not be an appropriate model for Shahrekord Station (Fig. 7-A and 7-B and 7-C) and results of the evaluation of these relationships for estimating of the average annual precipitation of Yazd were relatively acceptable (Fig. 8-A and 8-B and 8-C results in Yazd station). While the simple linear model including the relationship between those time periods (t42.5, t47.5 ) and the long-term average annual precipitation with corrected coefficients could accurately estimate the annual rainfall in the Shahrekord and Yazd stations (Fig. 7-d and 7-H for Shahrekord and 8-D, 8-H for Yazd station). In order to validate the above results, the models were evaluated with the remaining 30% of the data . Results showed in Figs. 9 and 10. The NRMSE values in Figs. 10-A, 10-B and 10-C, confirm the validity of the relationship between t42.5, t47.5 and annual precipitation.
A. Lakzian; M. Fazeli Sangani; Alireza Astaraei; A. Fotovat
This study was conducted to evaluate using terrain attributes derived from digital elevation model (DEM) as ancillary data to predict soil organic carbon (SOC) by implementing different statistical and geostatistical techniques. A linear regression model (LR), Artificial Neural Network model (ANN), ordinary ...
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This study was conducted to evaluate using terrain attributes derived from digital elevation model (DEM) as ancillary data to predict soil organic carbon (SOC) by implementing different statistical and geostatistical techniques. A linear regression model (LR), Artificial Neural Network model (ANN), ordinary kriging (OK), ordinary co-kriging (OCK), regression kriging (RK) and kriging with an external drift (KED) were performed to predict spatial distribution of SOC in an area of 2400 km2 in mashhad, iran. The SOC was measured for 200 soil samples of the study area and their corresponding Terrain attributes value was extracted from derived from 10-m resolution DEM. correlation between measured SOC and individual terrain attributes was determined, the number of 160 data were used for model development and 40 as validation data set. Resulting maps of different interpolation methods were compared to evaluate map quality using MAE and R2 criteria calculated from plotting measured versus estimated data. The results showed that there is a significant but not strong correlation between SOC and terrain attributes. The comparison of estimation techniques showed that the KED technique with wetness index as ancillary data has the best performance (MAE=0.18 %, R2=0.67) of all, but no significant difference with RK. There were modest differences between maps created with geostaistical technique but sensible difference with LR and ANN ones. The results of this study propose that although there is a significant correlation between SOC and terrain attributes therefore It can be use for enhancing the quality of map, but it is not able to express the spatial variability of SOC as it is necessary for detailed soil map. Because there is other factors controlling SOC spatial distribution
R. Mansouri; K. Esmaili; A.N. Ziaei; Hossein Ansari; S. R. Khodashenas
In arid and semi-arid regions, collection of surface and subsurface waters in small seasonal rivers is very crucial, particularly in dry seasons. The cost of construction and maintenance of classical water intakes makes them inappropriate for these rivers. In this study a rather new method to divert ...
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In arid and semi-arid regions, collection of surface and subsurface waters in small seasonal rivers is very crucial, particularly in dry seasons. The cost of construction and maintenance of classical water intakes makes them inappropriate for these rivers. In this study a rather new method to divert surface and subsurface water is experimentally evaluated. In this kind of intakes, a couple of trenches are excavated and the drain pipes are installed in them and then filled with very porous materials. Indeed the system acts as a river drainage network. This method not only reduces the construction and maintenance costs but also minimize the disturbance of river topology and morphology. Therefore this intake is also suitable for rivers with high sedimentary loads. In a few small rivers in Khorasan Razavi province, Islamic republic of Iran, such systems have been installed but their design and applicability have not been evaluated. In this research, experimental model of the intake to collect flow was built for flow diversion and flow rate deviation examined. Results showed a direct relationship between flow diversion with water level and with increasing distance between the drainages, the drainage flow increases. Drainage flow in the porous medium is initially decreased and then increased and drainage flow is the lowest in the middle drainage. In the review drainage arrange, the drainage of two deep with shorter porous medium is more suitable. Finally, regression mathematical model for the structural design of the intake subsurface with porous medium and drainage system were presented.