H. Shokati; Z. Sojoodi; M. Mashal
Introduction Arid and semi-arid climates prevail in Iran. The precipitation is also sparsely distributed in most areas of the country. Therefore, there is a need for management measures to overcome the water crisis. One of these measures is designing rainwater harvesting systems that can meet some ...
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Introduction Arid and semi-arid climates prevail in Iran. The precipitation is also sparsely distributed in most areas of the country. Therefore, there is a need for management measures to overcome the water crisis. One of these measures is designing rainwater harvesting systems that can meet some of the non-potable needs and reduce runoff in urban areas. The main components of rainwater harvesting systems in residential regions include the catchment area, storage tank, and water transfer system from the catchment area to the tank. The storage tank is the biggest investment in a rainwater harvesting system, as most buildings are not equipped with a storage system. Therefore, tank capacity should be determined optimally to minimize project implementation costs. The stored water volume and the project profit increases with increasing the tank volume. However, in this case, the price of the tank increases. Therefore, the tank capacity should be optimally designed to justify economic exploitation.Materials and Methods In order to evaluate the feasibility of using rainwater harvesting systems, the tanks’ volume was optimized. Due to the higher rainfall of Ardabil relative to the average rainfall of the country, it is expected that this area has a good potential for the implementation of rainwater harvesting systems. Therefore, this region was selected as the study area under the scenario of a residential house with 100 and 200 m2 catchment areas and four inhabitants. The amount of rainfall in the region is one of the primary parameters in determining the volume of rainwater collection tanks. Some of the precipitated water is always inaccessible due to evaporation from the surface. Nonetheless, since there is almost no sunlight during and immediately after rainfall, and also the received water enters the reservoirs shortly after precipitation, evaporation was assumed to be zero. Daily precipitation data for 42 years (from 1977 to 2019) were retrieved from the Ardabil Meteorological site. The daily water balance modeling method was used to analyze the rainwater harvesting systems due to the simplicity of interpretation, high accuracy and better general acceptance. Daily precipitation data were entered into this model and used as the primary source to meet the domestic demands. Simulation of rainwater harvesting systems was performed using daily precipitation data in MATLAB software, and the reliability of these systems was calculated for different tank volumes. Then, considering the price of drinking water and the current price of tanks in the market, the optimal volume of tanks was calculated using the Genetic Algorithm. Finally, the annual volume of water supply and the amount of water savings in case of using the optimal volumes of tanks were also estimated.Results and Discussion The results showed that the percentage of reliability is directly related to the volume of the tank, thus, the reliability percentage also increases with increasing the tank capacity. As the volume of the tank increases, the slope of the increasing reliability percentage decreases continuously, to the point that this slope becomes almost zero. Comparing the reliability percentage obtained for 100 and 200 m2 rooftops indicated that 200 m2 rooftop had a higher reliability percentage than 100 m2 rooftop due to receiving much more rainfall and meeting the water need for a longer duration. By comparing the results of overflow ratio for 100 and 200 m2 rooftops, it can also be concluded that using a fixed size tank, the overflow in 200 m2 rooftop is higher, which is due to receiving more water volume than 100 m2 rooftop. The results also showed that by using a 5 m3 tank, 44.5 and 24 m3 of water can be stored annually from the 200 and 100 m2 catchment areas, respectively, these are equal to 28 and 19 m3, respectively, if 1 m3 tank is used. The optimal tank volumes for 100 and 200 m3 rooftops are equal to 0.59 and 1.66 m3, respectively. Since the tanks are made in specific volumes, the obtained volumes were rounded to the closest volumes available in the market. Thus, a 1.5 m3 tank was used for a 200 m2 rooftop and a 0.5 m3 tank was applied for a 100 m2 rooftop.ConclusionApplication of a tank of 0.5 m3 for the rooftop of 100 m2 was the most profitable for saving 17% of water consumption, annually. Moreover, the optimal tank volume for the 200 m2 rooftop was selected to be 1.5 m3, saving about 32 % of water consumption per year. Water-saving percentages indicate the high potential of our study area for the implementation of rainwater harvesting systems.
Hamid Kardan Moghaddam; Mohammad ebrahim banihabib; Saman Javadi
Introduction: Groundwater is predominantly a renewable resource, and when managed properly can ensure a long-term water supply for increasing water demand and for climate change impacted region. Surface water renews as part of the hydrologic cycle in an average time period ranging from approximately ...
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Introduction: Groundwater is predominantly a renewable resource, and when managed properly can ensure a long-term water supply for increasing water demand and for climate change impacted region. Surface water renews as part of the hydrologic cycle in an average time period ranging from approximately 16 days (rivers) to 17 years (lakes and reservoirs); however, the average renewal time for groundwater is approximately 1400 years for aquifers to millions years for some deep fossil groundwater. Groundwater depletion, which is the reduction in the volume of groundwater storage, can lead to land subsidence, negative impacts on water supply, reduction in surface water flow and spring discharges, and loss of wetlands. Water balancing strategy has been considered as one of the most effective options to mitigate the groundwater depletion, and thus the balancing scenarios are applied as main approach to manage ground water sustainably. The purpose of the water balancing strategy in aquifers management is that groundwater level to be returned to the primary water level and to compensate the water resources shortage of aquifers’ storage.
Materials and Methods:
1. Case study: Birjand aquifer with an area of 1100 square kilometers is situated in eastern part of Iran. The location of the aquifer is between 59o 45 and 58o 43 east longitude, and 33o 08 and 32o 34 north latitude.
2. Modeling: Laplace Equation is the basic equation for groundwater flow study in steady or unsteady states. In simulation by using numerical models, the boundary of the model, recharge and discharge resources, evaporation and recharge zones are important elements. After finding the key components of the conceptual model, the MODFLOW software was applied for simulation of groundwater. MODFLOW, which is a computer code that solves the groundwater flow equation and uses finite-difference method, is provided by the U.S. Geological Survey.
3. Sustainability Analysis: In order to achieve the objective of this study, water balancing scenarios should be evaluated for sustainability of the groundwater system using appropriate indices. Here, three indicators of reliability, vulnerability and desirability are proposed and were employed to assess the stability of groundwater system in different balancing scenarios in lumped and distributed forms. The aquifer sustainability index is expressed in Equation 4. In this equation, three indicators of aquifer reliability (Equation 1), aquifer vulnerability (Equation 2) and Desirability (Equation 3) have been used to assess the stability of groundwater system. The aquifer reliability index means in what extent the withdrawal scenario has been able to return the aquifer to its original state using the Equation 1 as follows:
In which the number of periods where the groundwater level is above the desired level (equilibrium balance) and the total number of time steps in simulation. The vulnerability index indicates the amount of shortage in the groundwater storage and expresses the severity of the system failures using the Equation 2 as follows:
In this equation, the desired groundwater level at time step t, the groundwater level simulated in t time period for each scenario, the groundwater level without scenarios and n the number of periods where the groundwater level is lower than the desired level. The index of the likelihood of returning the system to a favorable state is presented as an indicator of the desirability of the system using the Equation 3 as follows:.
In this equation, indicates the f ground water level after the depletion, is the desired level of groundwater and is the groundwater level (without the scenario). After estimating three indicators of reliability, vulnerability and desirability, the sustainability index for each scenario can be appraised using Equation 4.
In this equation, groundwater sustainability index, reliability index, desirability index and vulnerability index.
Results and Discussion: In this study, six water balancing strategies were employed to reduce 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 and 3.5 percent water withdrawing for agricultural water use. Results of the simulation of different water balancing strategies demonstrated that with reducing in water use, the stability index has been improved significantly. The improvement changes from 32% increase in the index for 1% water withdrawing reduction scenario to 88% increase in the index for the 3.5% water withdrawing reduction scenario. Moreover, the reviewing of the stability indices of the system in various scenarios reveals that a 2.5% reduction in water use will assistance the aquifer status achieve to a stable state.
Conclusion: In order to manage groundwater withdrawal, it is easier to assess the impact of the water balancing scenarios using the groundwater sustainability index. The review of sustainability indices in the studied aquifer shows that by reducing 1% of the water harvest, 32% of the system's stability increases, and if water harvest reduction reaches 3.5%, the index increases 88%. Considering the distributed potential and possibility of the investigation of different scenarios by proposed indices in this study, they can be applied to assess and manage other similar aquifers.