Yavar Pourmohamad; Mohammad Mousavi baygi; Amin Alizadeh; Alinaghi Ziaei; Mohammad Bannayan
Introductionin current situation when world is facing massive population, producing enough food and adequate income for people is a big challenge specifically for governors. This challenge gets even harder in recent decades, due to global population growth which was projected to increase to 7.8 billion ...
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Introductionin current situation when world is facing massive population, producing enough food and adequate income for people is a big challenge specifically for governors. This challenge gets even harder in recent decades, due to global population growth which was projected to increase to 7.8 billion in 2025. Agriculture as the only industry that has ability to produce food is consuming 90 percent of fresh water globally. Despite of increasing for food demand, appropriate agricultural land and fresh water resources are restricted. To solve this problem, one is to increase water productivity which can be obtain by irrigation. Iran is not only exempted from this situation but also has more critical situation due to its dry climate and inappropriate precipitation distribution spatially and temporally, also uneven distribution of population which is concentrate in small area. The only reasonable solution by considering water resources limitation and also restricted crop area is changing crop pattern to reach maximum or at least same amount of income by using same or less amount of water. The purpose of this study is to assess financial water productivity and optimize farmer’s income by changing in each crop acreage at basin and sub-basin level with no extra groundwater withdrawals, also in order to repair the damages which has enforce to groundwater resources during last decades a scenario of using only 80percent of renewable water were applied and crop area were optimize to provide maximum or same income for farmers.
Materials and methodsThe Neyshabour basin is located in northeast of Iran, the total geographical area of basin is 73,000 km2 consisting of 41,000 km2 plain and the rest of basin is mountains. This Basin is a part of Kalshoor catchment that is located in southern part of Binaloud heights and northeast of KavirMarkazi. In this study whole Neyshabour basin were divided into 199 sub-basins based on pervious study.Based on official reports, agriculture consumes around 93.5percent of the groundwater withdrawals in Neyshabour basin and mostly in irrigation fields, surface water resources share in total water resource withdrawals is about 4.2percent, which means that groundwater is a primary source of fresh water for different purposes and surface water has a minor role in providing water supply services in the Neyshabour basin. To determine crop cultivation area, major crops divided into two groups. two winter crops (Wheat and Barley) and two summer crops (Maize and Tomato). To accomplish land classification by using supervised method, a training area is needed, so different farms for each crop were chosen by consulting with official agricultural organization expert and multiple point read on GPS for each crop. The maximum likelihood (MLC) method was selected for the land cover classification. To estimate the amount of precipitation at each 199 sub-basins, 13 station data for precipitation were collected, these stations are including 11 pluviometry stations, one climatology station and one synoptic station. Actual evapotranspiration (ETa) is needed to estimate actual yield (Ya). Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) technique were applied on Landsat 8 OLI images. To calculate actual ETa, the following steps in flowchart were modeled as tool in ArcGIS 10.3 and a spreadsheet file. To estimate actual crop yield, the suggested procedure by FAO-33 and FAO-66 were followed. Financial productivity could be defined in differently according to interest. In this study several of these definition was used. These definitions are Income productivity (IP) and Profit productivity (PP). To optimize crop area, linear programing technique were used.
Results and discussionaverage actual evapotranspiration result for each sub-basin are shown in context. In some sub-basins which there were no evapotranspiration are shown in white. And it happens in those sub-basins which assigned as desert in land classification. In figures 8 and 9 minimum amount of income and profit productivity for wheat and barley is negative, this number means in those area the value of precipitation is higher than value of evapotranspiration, so lower part of eq. 21 and 22 would be negative and in result water productivity would be negative. Since most of precipitation occurs during cold season of the year these numbers are expected. Two sub-basins of 43 and 82 has the value of negative, it means in these two sub-basins groundwater are recharging during the year 2014-2015.The maximum value of income and profit productivity belong to wheat and barley which are winter crops and mostly rain fed, so amount applied water would be so low and in result productivity increased. Among the summer crops maize has the most income and profit income which can be interpret due to their growing period and the crop types. Maize has around 110 days to reach to maturity and harvest, on the other hand tomato needs 145 days to harvest. Some plant is C3 and some are C4. C4 plants produce more biomass than C3 crops with same amount of water which leads to more productivity. The results showed that tomato should have the most changes in area reduction (0.2) and maize should have no changes in both scenarios. Crop area should reduce to 66percent of current cultivation area to maintain ground water level and only 6percent reduction in cultivation area would result in 20percent groundwater recharging.
Conclusion to save groundwater resources or even retrieve the only water resource, cultivation area must reduce if the crop pattern will not change. In this study only four crops were studied. It seems best solution is to introduce alternative crop.
mostafa yaghoobzadeh; Saeid Boroomand Nasab; Zahra Izadpanah; Hesam Seyyed Kaboli
Introduction: Accurate estimation of evapotranspiration plays an important role in quantification of water balance at awatershed, plain and regional scale. Moreover, it is important in terms ofmanaging water resources such as water allocation, irrigation management, and evaluating the effects of changing ...
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Introduction: Accurate estimation of evapotranspiration plays an important role in quantification of water balance at awatershed, plain and regional scale. Moreover, it is important in terms ofmanaging water resources such as water allocation, irrigation management, and evaluating the effects of changing land use on water yields. Different methods are available for ET estimation including Bowen ratio energy balance systems, eddy correlation systems, weighing lysimeters.Water balance techniques offer powerful alternatives for measuring ET and other surface energy fluxes. In spite of the elegance, high accuracy and theoretical attractions of these techniques for measuring ET, their practical use over large areas might be limited. They can be very expensive for practical applications at regional scales under heterogeneous terrains composed of different agro-ecosystems. To overcome aforementioned limitations by use of satellite measurements are appropriate approach. The feasibility of using remotely sensed crop parameters in combination of agro-hydrological models has been investigated in recent studies. The aim of the present study was to determine evapotranspiration by two methods, remote sensing and soil, water, atmosphere, and plant (SWAP) model for wheat fields located in Neishabour plain. The output of SWAP has been validated by means of soil water content measurements. Furthermore, the actual evapotranspiration estimated by SWAP has been considered as the “reference” in the comparison between SEBAL energy balance models.
Materials and Methods: Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) was used to estimate actual ET fluxes from Modis satellite images. SEBAL is a one-layer energy balance model that estimates latent heat flux and other energy balance components without information on soil, crop, and management practices. The near surface energy balance equation can be approximated as: Rn = G + H + λET
Where Rn: net radiation (Wm2); G: soil heat flux (Wm2); H: sensible heat flux (Wm2); and λET: latent heat flux (Wm2). Simulations were carried out by SWAP model for two different sites in Faroub and Soleimani fields. The SWAP is a physically based one-dimensional model which simulates vertical transport of water flow, solute transport, heat flow and crop growth at the field scale level. The period of simulation covered the whole wheat growing season (from 1st of December2008 to 30th of July2009. 16 MODIS images was used to determine evapotranspiration during wheat growing season. Inverse modeling of evapotranspiration (ET) fluxes was followed to calibrate the soil hydraulic. While SWAP model has the advantage of producing the right amount of irrigation and evapotranspiration at high temporal resolution, SEBAL can estimate crop variables like leaf area index, NDVI index, net radiation, Soil heat flux, Sensible heat flux and evapotranspiration athigh spatial resolution.
Results and Discussion: Actual and potential evapotranspiration were estimated for SWAP Model during the whole wheat growing season around669.5 and 1259.6 mm for Farub field and 583.7 and 1331.2 mm for Soleimani field, respectively. In contrast with NDVI and net radiation,spatial distribution of SEBAL parameters indicated that soil heat flux, sensible heat flux, and surface temperature of land have the same behavior. At the planting date, evapotranspiration was low and about 1 mm/day, but at the peak of plant growth, it was about 9 mm/day. Moreover, evapotranspiration declined at late growing season to about 3 mm/ day. SWAP model has been calibrated and validated with meteorological data and the data of field measurements of soil moisture. The amount of RMSE of 0.635 and 0.674 (mm/day) and MAE of 0.15 and 0.53 (mm/day) and also coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.915 and 0.964 obtained from comparison of SEBAL algorithm with SWAP model for Farub and Soleimani fields showed that no significant differences was seen between results of two models.
Conclusion: The present study supports the use of SEBAL as the most promising algorithm that requires minimum input data of ground based variables. Results of comparison of SEBAL and SWAP model showed that SEBAL can be a viable tool for generating evapotranspiration maps to assess and quantify spatiotemporal distribution of ET at large scales. Also, it feels that SEBAL and SWAP models can be applied in a wide variety of irrigation conditions without the need for extensive field surveys. This helps significantly in identifying performance indicators and water accounting procedures in irrigated agriculture, and to obtain their likely ranges.