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نوع مقاله : مقالات پژوهشی


1 دکتری علوم خاک، گروه علوم خاک، دانشگاه زنجان، ایران.

2 گروه علوم خاک، دانشکده کشاورزی، دانشگاه زنجان، زنجان، ایران

3 دانشیار گروه علوم و مهندسی خاک، دانشگاه رازی، کرمانشاه، ایران



بافت خاک یکی از تأثیرگذارترین ویژگی خاک‌ها بر تجزیه و نگهداشت ماده آلی در خاک است. رس‌ها با افزایش نگهداشت ماده آلی خاک موجب کاهش سرعت تجزیه آن می‌شوند. هدف از این مطالعه بررسی تأثیر نوع مختلف رس‌ و کاتیون‌های تبادلی بر معدنی شدن نیتروژن آلی بود. آزمایش به‌صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح کاملاً تصادفی با 3 تکرار انجام شد. فاکتورها شامل: نوع رس (ورمی‌کولیت و زئولیت)، سطوح مختلف رس (صفر، 15، 30 و 45 درصد وزنی) و نوع کاتیون تبادلی (Na+، Ca2+ و Al3+) بودند. نمونه‌های خاک با توجه به مقدار و نوع رس و نوع کاتیون تبادلی، به‌صورت جداگانه تهیه و به نمونه‌ها بقایای یونجه اضافه گردید. پس از افزودن مایه تلقیح و هوا خشک کردن نمونه‌ها، مجدداً رطوبت نمونه‌ها با استفاده از آب مقطر به 60 درصد ظرفیت مزرعه رسید و به مدت 60 روز و در دمای 23 درجه سلسیوس در تاریکی نگهداری شدند. نتایج نشان دهنده تأثیر نوع و مقدار رس و نوع کاتیون تبادلی بر معدنی-شدن نیتروژن آلی بود. نتایج نشان داد که با افزایش مقدار هر دو نوع رس، درصد نیتروژن معدنی و فعالیت آنزیم‌های فسفاتاز اسیدی و قلیایی و سلولاز کاهش یافته ولی نیتروژن زیست‌توده میکروبی افزایش یافت. بیشترین درصد نیتروژن معدنی در رس‌های اشباع شده با کاتیون کلسیم، پس از 60 روز و کمترین مقدار درصد نیتروژن معدنی، در رس‌های اشباع شده با کاتیون آلومینیوم پس از 15 روز خوبانیدن به دست آمدند. بیشترین درصد نیتروژن معدنی شده، نیتروژن زیست‌توده میکروبی و فعالیت آنزیم‌ها در نمونه‌های دارای رس ورمی‌کولیت اندازه‌گیری گردید.



عنوان مقاله [English]

The effect of clay minerals and exchangeable cations on organic nitrogen mineralization

نویسندگان [English]

  • Fatemeh Rakhsh 1
  • Ahmad Golchin 2
  • Ali Beheshti Ale Agha 3

1 Ph.D. in Soil Sciences, Department of Soil Sciences, Zanjan University, Iran.

2 Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.

3 Soil Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

چکیده [English]


Soil texture is one of the most influential characteristics of soils that affect the decomposition and retention of soil organic matter because it directly or indirectly affects soil's physical, chemical, and biological properties. Soil clays play an important role in soil organic matter stability. Organic matter adsorbed on phyllosilicate clays is more resistant to microbial decomposition than organic matter that has not interacted with any mineral. Exchangeable cations with the influence of physical and chemical characteristics of the soil probably cause changes in the absorption and retention of organic matter. In previous studies, the effect of soil texture on organic matter retention has been investigated, but the impact of clay type and exchange cation has not been investigated. This study aimed to examine the effect of different contents of vermiculite and zeolite clays and exchange cations on the mineralization of organic nitrogen.

Materials and Methods

A factorial experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with three replications to study the effect of the type and content of clay and the type of exchange cations on organic nitrogen dynamics. Experimental treatments include two types of clay (vermiculite and zeolite), four different levels of clay (0, 15, 30, and 45%), and three types of exchangeable cations (Na+, Ca2+, and Al3+). The experiment included 24 treatments and three replications. There were total of 72 experimental units. Artificial soil of 50 grams was prepared separately according to the amount and type of clay and the type of exchange cation. Then, alfalfa plant residues were added to all the samples at 5% w/w. After adding the inoculum and air drying the samples, the humidity of the samples reached 60% of the field capacity (FC) using distilled water (We first air-dried the samples to prevent the excess water from causing an error in the final moisture, and then we added enough distilled water to each sample to reach 60% of FC). They were kept in the dark for 60 days at a temperature of 23 °C. Distilled water was added and sealed to the bottom of the incubation jars to keep the moisture content of the soil samples constant during incubation. The percentage of mineralized nitrogen, microbial biomass nitrogen, and the activity of acid and alkaline phosphatase and cellulase enzymes were determined in the prepared samples. The data were analyzed using ANOVA, and the means were compared using Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Before applying ANOVA, the data's normality and variance homogeneity were checked using Kolmogorov- Smirnov and Levene tests, respectively. The SPSS software (Windows version 25.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA) and SAS software (version 9.4, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) were employed for data analysis.

Results and Discussion

The results of variance analysis of the data showed that the effect of the type and content of clay and the type of exchangeable cation on the percentage of mineralized nitrogen, microbial biomass nitrogen, and the activity of acid and alkaline phosphatase and cellulase enzymes were significant (p< 0.01). The results revealed that, regardless of the duration of the samples, with the increase in the amount of clay, the percentage of inorganic nitrogen and the activity of enzymes decreased, but the nitrogen of microbial biomass increased. The highest percentage of inorganic nitrogen was obtained 60 days after incubation of the samples and in clays saturated with calcium, and the lowest amount of these attributes was obtained 15 days after incubation of the samples and in clays saturated with aluminum. The results showed that nitrogen mineralization increased with the samples' incubation time. Also, the highest percentage of mineralized nitrogen, microbial biomass nitrogen, and enzyme activity were observed in soils with vermiculite clay.


The increase in the incubation duration increased the percentage of inorganic nitrogen. The percentage of mineralized nitrogen and microbial biomass nitrogen was higher in soils with vermiculite clay than in soils with zeolite clay. Moreover, regardless of the incubation duration of samples, with increasing clay content, the percentage of mineralized nitrogen and enzyme activity decreased, but with increasing clay nitrogen content, microbial biomass increased. The highest and lowest amounts of mineralized nitrogen and nitrogen of microbial biomass were measured in soils with calcium and aluminum, respectively. The results showed the effect of the clay type and content and the exchangeable cation type on organic nitrogen dynamics.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • aluminum
  • organic matter
  • sodium
  • vermiculite
  • zeolite