Volume 38 (2024)
Volume 37 (2023)
Volume 36 (2022)
Volume 35 (2021)
Volume 34 (2020)
Volume 33 (2019)
Volume 32 (2018)
Volume 31 (2017)
Volume 30 (2016)
Volume 29 (2015)
Volume 28 (2014)
Volume 27 (2013)
Volume 26 (2012)
Volume 25 (2011)
Volume 24 (2010)
Volume 23 (2009)
Volume 22 (2008)
Agricultural Meteorology
Projections of Precipitation and Temperature Changes under CMIP6 Scenarios in Sistan-va-Baluchestan Province

Somayyeh Mirshekari; Fatemeh Yaghoubi; Seyed Abolfazl Hashemi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 31 December 2024


  Introduction The 21st century is witnessing the increase of climate change as an important challenge due to its destructive environmental and socio-economic effects. Extreme climatic conditions have become frequent and more intense in recent decades as a result of human activities. Iran, as one of the ...  Read More

Agricultural Meteorology
Trend Analysis of Temperature Changes in Northwest of Iran Using Extreme Indices and Its Relation to Atmospheric Circulation

Kh. Javan; A. Movaghari

Volume 38, Issue 5 , November and December 2024, , Pages 647-629


  Introduction The most important effect of global warming is the increase in extreme weather events. According to AR5 reports, between 1951 and 2010, the number of warm days and nights increased and the number of cold days and nights has declined globally. In addition, the duration and frequency of hot ...  Read More

Agricultural Meteorology
Projected Precipitation Extremes in Lake Urmia Basin under Climate Change

Nasrin Ebrahimi; Azar Zarrin; Abbas Mofidi; Abbasali Dadashi-Roudbari

Volume 37, Issue 5 , November and December 2024, , Pages 769-785


   IntroductionClimate change has led to changes in the frequency, intensity, duration, and spatial distribution of climate extremes. During the last decade (2011-2020), the average global temperature was 0.1 ± 1.1 oC higher than in the preindustrial era. Iran and especially the Urmia Lake ...  Read More

Agricultural Meteorology
Evaluation of WetSpass-M Model for Estimation of Hydrological Response of Neyshabur-Rookh Watershed to Climate Change of Future Years

Sepideh Dowlatabadi; Mahdi Amirabadizadeh; Mahdi Zarei

Volume 36, Issue 5 , November and December 2022, , Pages 629-644


  Introduction The sustainable availability of water resources and the qualitative and quantitative status of these resources are threatened by many natural and antropogenic factors, among which climate change plays an important role. Climate change can have profound effects on the hydrological cycle ...  Read More

Agricultural Meteorology
Investigating the Variability of Growing Season Length and Growing Degree-Days of Crops in Elevated and Coastal Areas

S.F. Ziaei Asl; A.A. Sabziparvar

Volume 35, Issue 4 , September and October 2021, , Pages 599-612


  Introduction: It is possible to guide the agricultural experts to achieve a suitable genotype and adapt to climatic conditions in proportion to the length of the modified growing season by identifying the impact of climate change in recent years on the cumulative rate of degree-days of plant growth. ...  Read More

Organic and Inorganic Carbon Storage in the Soils of Sardooeyeh Semi-arid Region in South of Kerman

H.R. Rafiei; A. Jafari; A. Heidari; Mohammad Hady Farpoor; A. Abbasnejad

Volume 35, Issue 1 , March and April 2021, , Pages 33-48


  Introduction: Soil carbon (C) sequestration is recognized as a potentially significant option to off-set the elevation of global atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations. Soils are the main sink/source of carbon and also, an important component of the global C cycle. Total soil carbon (C) comprises ...  Read More

Climate Change in Iran Based on Changes in Precipitable Water, Specific Humidity and Wind Data

S.M.J. Nazemosadat; L. Abbasi; S. Mehravar

Volume 34, Issue 6 , January and February 2021, , Pages 1337-1349


  Introduction:Based on the research and assessment carried out during the Climate Change Enabling Activity Project under United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and using the scenarios proposed by IPCC, it is estimated that if the CO2 concentration doubles by the year 2100, ...  Read More

Temperature Extreme Indices Projection Based on RCP Scenarios in Northeast of Iran

S. Kouzegaran; M. Mousavi Baygi; iman babaeian

Volume 34, Issue 6 , January and February 2021, , Pages 1351-1366


  Introduction: Global warming causes alteration of climate extreme indices and increased severity and frequency of incidence of meteorological extreme events. In most climate change studies, only the potential trends or fluctuations in the average long run of climatic phenomena have been examined. However, ...  Read More

Analysis of Effect of the Climate Parameters Change on Runoff and Evapotranspiration of Mehrgerd Watershed

Z. Nouri; A. Talebi; B. Ebrahimi

Volume 34, Issue 1 , March and April 2020, , Pages 225-239


  Introduction: In the past century, the climate has been changing on both regional and global scales over the earth. It is also expected that such changes will continue in the near future. Climate change is due to increased greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. The concentration of these gases is ...  Read More

Applicability of Agmerra for Gap-Filling of Afghanistan in-situ Temperature and Precipitation Data

Ahmad Reza Razavi; Mahdi Nassiri Mahallati; Alireza Koocheki; Alireza Beheshti

Volume 32, Issue 3 , July and August 2018, , Pages 601-616


  Introduction: Climate change (CC) is one of the most important concerns for mankind in the current century. Increasing CO2 concentration and the proof of the greenhouse effect theory in which the type and composition of atmospheric gases which influence the earth temperature, are among undeniable facts ...  Read More

Impact of Climate Change on Sudden Changes in Potential Evapotranspiration Time Series (Case Study: NW of Iran)

yaghoub dinpazhoh; Masoumeh Foroughi

Volume 32, Issue 3 , July and August 2018, , Pages 617-632


  Introduction: Evapotranspiration is one of the key elements of hydrological cycle. This parameter plays a crucial role in different water related studies such as agricultural water management, environmental energy budget, water balance of watersheds, water reservoirs and water conveyance structures (such ...  Read More

The Impacts of Climate Variability on Spatiotemporal Water Footprint of Tomato Production in The Hormozgan

ommolbanin bazrafshan; zahra gerkani nezhad moshizi

Volume 32, Issue 1 , March and April 2018, , Pages 29-43


  Introduction: Agriculture sector, as the key consumer of fresh water resources throughout the world, is progressively more squeezed by the requirements ofother contemporary society areas and threatened by potential climatic change. Irrigation is the major part of agricultural water usage in Iran, which ...  Read More

Evaluation the Trend and Trend Chang Point of Urmia Lake Basin Precipitation

Mohammad Nazeri Tahrudi; Farshad Ahmadi; Keivan Khalili

Volume 31, Issue 2 , May and June 2017, , Pages 644-659


  Introduction: Given the fact that Iran is located in the center of the dryland of earth and is significantly influenced by the deserts of Central Asia and hot dry deserts of Arabia and Africa, is one of the most arid and low rainfall land areas.So is the proper management of water resources is of critical ...  Read More

Seasonal Changes of Precipitation and Temperature of Mountainous Watersheds in Future Periods with Approach of Fifth Report of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Case study: Kashafrood Watershed Basin)

Amirhosein Aghakhani Afshar; Yousef Hassanzadeh; Ali Asghar Besalatpour; Mohsen Pourreza Bilondi

Volume 30, Issue 5 , November and December 2016, , Pages 1718-1732


  Introduction: Hydrology cycle of river basins and water resources availability in arid and semi-arid regions are highly affected by climate changes, so that recently the increase of temperature due to the increase of greenhouse gases have led to anomaly in the Earth’ climate system. At present, General ...  Read More

Quantitative Estimation of Soil Carbon Sequestration in Three Land Use Types (Orchard, Paddy Rice and Forest) in a Part of Ramsar Lands, Northern Iran

zakieh pahlavan yali; M. Zarrinkafsh; A. Moeini

Volume 30, Issue 3 , July and August 2016, , Pages 758-768


  Introduction: The increasing Greenhouse Gases in atmosphere is the main cause of climate and ecosystems changes. The most important greenhouse gas is CO2 that causes global warming or the greenhouse effect. One of the known solutions that reduces atmospheric carbon and helps to improve the situation, ...  Read More

Assessment of Climate Change Effects on Shahcheraghi Reservoir Inflow

M. E. Banihabib; K. Hasani; A. R. Massah Bavani

Volume 30, Issue 1 , March and April 2016, , Pages 1-14


  Introduction: Forecasting the inflow to the reservoir is important issues due to the limited water resources and the importance of optimal utilization of reservoirs to meet the need for drinking, industry and agriculture in future time periods. In the meantime, ignoring the effects of climate change ...  Read More

Changes of Some Indices of Low Flow affected by Climate Change in the Tang Panj Sezar Basin

M. Mozayyan; ali mohammad akhondali; A.R. Massah Bavani; F. Radmanesh

Volume 30, Issue 1 , March and April 2016, , Pages 275-289


  Introduction: Due to the effects of climate change on water resources and hydrology, Changes in low flow as an important part of the water cycle, is of interest to researchers, water managers and users in various fields. Changes in characteristics of low flows affected by climate change may have important ...  Read More

Adaptation Strategies of Wheat to Climate Change (Case Study: Ahvaz Region)

M. Delghandi; S. Broomandnasab; B. Andarzian; A.R. Massah-Bovani

Volume 30, Issue 1 , March and April 2016, , Pages 300-311


  Introduction In recent years human activities induced increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Increases in [CO2] caused global warming and Climate change. Climate change is anticipated to cause negative and adverse impacts on agricultural systems throughout the world. Higher temperatures are expected ...  Read More

Clay Mineralogy of Soils on Quaternary Sediment in Northeast of Urmia

Parisa Farzamnia; Shahram Manafi; Hamidreza Momtaz

Volume 30, Issue 6 , January and February 2016, , Pages 1993-2004


  Introduction: Minerals are one of the main components of soils which play different roles in the soils. Minerals make up about 50% of the volume of most soils. They provide physical support for plants, and create the water- and air-filled pores that make plant growth possible. Mineral weathering releases ...  Read More

Title:Evaluation of Optimal Water Allocation Scenarios for Bar River of NeishabourUsing WEAP Model Under A2 Climatic Changes Scenario

Gh. Ghandhari; J. Soltani; M. Hamidian Pour

Volume 29, Issue 5 , November and December 2015, , Pages 1158-1172


  Introduction: The rapid population growth in Iran and the corresponding increases in water demands, including drinking water, industry, agriculture and urban development and existing constraints necessitate optimal scheduling necessity in use of this crucial source. Furthermore, the phenomenon of climate ...  Read More

Comparative Assessment of SDSM, IDW and LARS-WG Models for Simulation and Downscaling of Temperature and Precipitation

Z. Dehghan; F. Fathian; S. Eslamian

Volume 29, Issue 5 , November and December 2015, , Pages 1376-1390


  Introduction: According to the fifth International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, increasing concentrations of CO2 and other greenhouse gases resulting from anthropogenic activities have led to fundamental changes on global climate over the course of the last century. The future global climate ...  Read More

Comparison of TS and ANN Models with the Results of Emission Scenarios in Rainfall Prediction

S. Babaei Hessar; R. Ghazavi

Volume 29, Issue 4 , September and October 2015, , Pages 943-953


  Introduction: Precipitation is one of the most important and sensitive parameters of the tropical climate that influence the catchments hydrological regime. The prediction of rainfall is vital for strategic planning and water resources management. Despite its importance, statistical rainfall forecasting, ...  Read More

Drought Monitoring Based on Standardized Precipitation Evaoptranspiration Index (SPEI) Under the Effect of Climate Change

H. Zareabyaneh; M. GHobaeisoogh; Abolfazl Mosaedi

Volume 29, Issue 2 , May and June 2015, , Pages 374-392


  Introduction: Drought is a natural and recurrent feature of climate. The characterizations of it may change under the effect of climate change in future periods. During the last few decades a number of different indices have been developed to quantify drought probabilities. Droughts are caused by disruptions ...  Read More

Evaluation of Tillage, Residue Management and Nitrogen Fertilizer Effects on CO2 Emission in Maize (Zea Mays L.) Cultivation

Rooholla Moradi; Alireza Koocheki; Mehdi Nassiri; Hamed Mansoori

Volume 29, Issue 2 , May and June 2015, , Pages 489-503


  Introduction: The latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that future emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) will continue to increase and cause climatic change (16). These conditions are also true for Iran. The three greenhouse gases associated with agriculture are ...  Read More

Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in Zarrinehrud Basin Using SWAT Model

B. Mansouri; H. Ahmadzadeh; A. Massah Bavani; saeed morid; M. Delavar; S. Lotfi

Volume 28, Issue 6 , January and February 2015, , Pages 1203-1291


  This paper evaluate impacts of climate change on temperature, rainfall and runoff in the future Using statistical model, LARS-WG, and conceptual hydrological model, SWAT. In order to the Zarrinehrud river basin, as the biggest catchment of the Lake Urmia basin was selected as a case study. At first, ...  Read More