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نوع مقاله : مقالات پژوهشی


1 کارشناسی ارشد اکولوژیک (اگرواکولوژی)، دانشگاه رازی، کرمانشاه، ایران

2 استادیار گروه مهندسی تولید و ژنتیک گیاهی، دانشکده علوم و مهندسی کشاورزی، دانشگاه رازی، کرمانشاه، ایران

3 گروه مهندسی تولید و ژنتیک گیاهی، دانشگاه رازی، کرمانشاه، ایران.

4 دانشیار گروه علوم و مهندسی خاک، دانشگاه رازی، کرمانشاه، ایران

5 استاد گروه مهندسی تولید و ژنتیک گیاهی، دانشکده علوم و مهندسی کشاورزی، دانشگاه رازی، کرمانشاه، ایران


تولید عملکرد مطلوب در کشت دیم به‌طور مستقیم به میزان بارندگی و ذخیره رطوبت در خاک بستگی دارد. سیستم خاک‌ورزی به‌طور مستقیم بر محتوی ذخیره رطوبتی و خصوصیات فیزیکی و شیمیایی خاک تأثیر می‌گذارد و انتخاب سیستم مناسب خاک‌ورزی درنهایت عملکرد محصول را تحت تأثیر قرار می‌دهد. به همین منظور و با توجه به ارزش کشت گیاهان دانه‌ روغنی، آزمایشی برای بررسی تأثیر خاک‌ورزی و کوددهی بر عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد گلرنگ در شرایط دیم انجام شد. آزمایش به‌صورت کرت‌های خرد شده در قالب طرح پایه بلوک‌های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار و به‌صورت دیم انجام گردید. تیمارها شامل سامانه‌های خاک‌ورزی (خاک‌ورزی مرسوم، خاک‌ورزی کاهش‌یافته و بی‌خاک‌ورزی) به‌عنوان عامل اصلی و کود NPK (مخلوطی از کودهای اوره، سوپر فسفات تریپل و سولفات پتاسیم)، در چهار سطح صفر، 33، 66 و 100 درصد به‌عنوان عامل فرعی بودند. در تمام مراحل کاشت، داشت و برداشت تمام مدیریت‌های زراعی بر اساس مدیریت مرسوم منطقه مورد بررسی و به شیوه کشاورز صورت گرفت. در مرحله‌ رسیدگی فیزیولوژیک نمونه‌برداری نهایی یا برداشت به‌صورت دستی انجام شد. نتایج پژوهش نشان داد صفات مورد بررسی شامل شاخص سطح برگ، میزان ماده خشک، وزن هزار دانه، عملکرد دانه و عملکرد زیستی تحت تأثیر سیستم خاک‌ورزی، کود و اثر متقابل آن‌ها قرار گرفتند. بالاترین عملکرد دانه گلرنگ به میزان 6/195 گرم در مترمربع از نسبت کودی 33 درصد و خاک‌ورزی مرسوم و کمترین عملکرد دانه به میزان 2/116 گرم در مترمربع نیز از بی‌خاک‌ورزی و عدم مصرف کود حاصل شد. نتایج نشان داد که سیستم خاک‌ورزی مرسوم نسبت به کم ‌خاک‌ورزی و بی‌خاک‌ورزی نتیجه بهتری داشت. در بیشتر صفات مورد بررسی کاربرد نسبت 33 و 66 درصد نیاز کودی سبب بهترین نتیجه شده و نسبت کودی 100 درصد تأثیرات منفی بر جای گذاشته است که این امر نشان دهنده نیاز کودی کمتر این رقم در شرایط مورد مطالعه نسبت به ارقام در مناطق دیگر می‌باشد. با توجه به این‌که پژوهش در سال‌های پرباران انجام شد، خاک‌ورزی مرسوم بهتر از کم خاک‌ورزی بوده است. پیشنهاد می‌شود میزان تولید این گیاه در شرایط آبیاری‌های مختلف و محدودیت رطوبتی ارزیابی شود تا سیستم‌های خاک‌ورزی و روش‌های مدیریتی با دقت بیشتری بررسی و انتخاب شوند.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Investigating the Effect of Tillage and Fertilization on the Yield and Yield Components of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) in Rainfed Conditions

نویسندگان [English]

  • Donya Parmah 1
  • Hamid Reza Chaghazardi 2
  • Farzad Mondani 3
  • Ali Beheshti Al Agha 4
  • Daniel Kehrizi 5

1 Msc. of Ecology (Agroecology) Department, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Production and Genetics, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

3 Department of Plant Production and Genetics, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

4 Associate Professor, Department of Soil Science, Razi University, Kermanshah

5 Professor, Department of Plant Production and Genetics, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

چکیده [English]


Optimum yield production in rainfed cultivation directly depends on the amount of rainfall and moisture storage in the soil. The tillage system directly affects the moisture storage and the physical and chemical properties of the soil, and choosing the right tillage system affects the yield of the product. Oilseeds are particularly important among crops, forming the second-largest food reserves in the world after grains. These products are rich in fatty acids. Today, the oil extraction and production industry is one of the most strategic industries in most countries. Iran has vast arable lands and favorable fields for cultivating oilseeds. Still, according to the available statistics, more than 80% of the country's required oil is supplied from abroad. Considering that our country needs more and better quality oil products on the one hand, and the other hand, is involved in climate issues and problems such as consecutive droughts, it seems that the cultivation and development of plants with fewer water requirements and high resistance and providing management methods and appropriate fertilizer in line with conservation agriculture is a suitable solution to increase crop yields and maintain and increase soil quality in the long term. For this purpose and considering the value of oilseed cultivation, an experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of tillage and fertilization on the yield and components of safflower yield in rainy conditions.

Materials and Methods

The experiment was carried out as split plots in a basic design of random complete blocks, with three replications in rainfed conditions. The treatments included tillage systems (conventional tillage, reduced tillage, and no-tillage) as the main factor and NPK fertilizer (a mixture of urea, triple superphosphate, and potassium sulfate) at four levels of zero, 33, 66, and 100% as a secondary factor. Potassium and phosphorus fertilization and 50% of nitrogen fertilizer were used at the same time as planting, and the remaining 50% of nitrogen fertilizer was used four months after planting. Each block had three main plots; the distance between each block was 3 meters, and between the main plots was 2 meters. In each main plot, four sub-plots were created, and the distance between the sub-plots was 1 meter. The area of the main plots was 21 × 15 meters, and the area of each sub-plot was 4.5 ×15 meters. The amount of seed used for safflower was 25 kg per hectare. The safflower seeds were sown in 5 rows and planted at a distance of 50 cm and a distance between plants of 10 cm. In all the stages of planting, holding, and harvesting, all agricultural management was carried out based on the traditional management of the studied area and in the farmer's way. The final sampling or harvesting was done manually in the physiological treatment stage. Before analyzing the variance of the data, the normality test of the data was performed. In this research, the LSD test was used to compare the mean at the 5% probability level, Excel software was used to draw graphs, and SAS 9.4 software was used to analyze the data.

Results and Discussion

The research showed that the traits examined, including leaf area index, dry matter content, thousand seed weight, seed yield, and biological yield, were affected by the tillage system, fertilizer, and their interaction effect. The highest safflower seed yield of 195.6 g/m2 was obtained from the fertilizer ratio of 33% and conventional tillage, and the lowest seed yield of 116.2 g/m2 was obtained from no-tillage and no fertilizer use. The results showed that the conventional tillage system had better results than low-tillage and no-tillage. The results showed that in reduced tillage and no-tillage, the changing trend of safflower plant leaf area index was not much different, and only in safflower, the 100% fertilizer ratio in reduced tillage had a more significant effect than no tillage. Also in the condition of no fertilizer use in no-tillage, the leaf area index was lower. The use of fertilizer increased the biological yield of the plant, but the effect of this use in conventional tillage was higher than in reduced tillage and no-tillage. Consumption of 33% of the fertilizer required by the plant under conventional tillage conditions caused the highest biological yield in the safflower plant. So, the biological performance of safflower increased by 94% compared to the control.


In most of the examined traits, the application of 33 and 66% of the fertilizer requirement caused the best results, and the 100% fertilizer ratio left adverse effects, which indicates the lower fertilizer requirement of this cultivar in the studied conditions compared to cultivars in other regions. Since the research was conducted in rainy years, conventional tillage was better than low tillage. It is suggested that this plant's production amount be evaluated under different irrigation conditions and moisture limitations so that tillage systems and management methods can be examined and selected more carefully.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Conservation agriculture
  • Conventional tillage
  • Crop management
  • No-tillage
  • Oilseeds